colloqi / piSignage

Digital Signage Player Software for Raspberry Pi, more details at
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WPA2 Enterprise WiFi #265

Open gorbiWTF opened 3 months ago

gorbiWTF commented 3 months ago

I would like to connect my Raspberry Pi with piSignage to our WPA2 Enterprise network at school. If I use Rasppbery Pi OS (Bookworm) I can connect to the WiFi.

Adding the following to /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf doesn't seem to work:

network = { 
    ssid = "XXXXX" 
    key_mgmt = WPA-EAP 
    eap = PEAP 
    identity = "XXXXX" 
    password = "XXXXX" 
    phase1 = "peaplabel=0" 
    phase2 = "auth=MSCHAPV2" 
    priority = 1 

Is there another way to do this?

gorbiWTF commented 3 months ago

Okay, I figured out that I have to use nmcli, like that:

sudo nmcli con add type wifi con-name "XXXXX" ifname wlan0 ssid "XXXXX"
sudo nmcli con modify "XXXXX" 802-1x.eap peap 802-1x.identity "XXXXX" 802-1x.password "XXXXX" 802-1x.phase2-autheap mschapv2 wifi-sec.key-mgmt wpa-eap

Would be nice to be able to do that in the GUI, or at least have this in the documentation.