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add a console per network #1640

Closed akempgen closed 6 years ago

akempgen commented 15 years ago

Issue migrated from trac ticket #1419

type: Enhancement | component: Colloquy (iOS) | severity: Critical | priority: Highest | version: 1.0 (iOS) | status: accepted

2009-01-20 05:35:36: @janeylicious created the issue

self explanatory

2009-03-14 01:42:04: @janeylicious changed priority from High to Highest

2009-03-14 01:42:04: @janeylicious changed severity from Normal to Critical

2009-03-14 01:42:04: @janeylicious commented

so like, this would come in handy for troubleshooting. i wonder how to go about displaying it though.

2009-03-14 01:42:54: @akempgen commented

also a way to paste this into the support room would be helpful

2009-07-11 07:35:11: @xeenon changed status from new to accepted

2009-08-30 03:40:02: lazybones commented

I would have it slide down from the title/button bar by tapping on the channel name if you are in a channel.

From the connections list it could be added to the Disconnect, Cancel list when you tap on the channel.. In addition on this screen the last two lines of console messages could be displayed like the last two messages are on the Colloquies list.

zadr commented 6 years ago

we have a console, and have for awhile