colmap / colmap

COLMAP - Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo
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Which parameter will have an influence on the num of point in the `fused.ply` file? #1356

Closed HsiangYangChu closed 2 years ago

HsiangYangChu commented 2 years ago

I am doing mesh reconstruction using colmap! I find that the mesh reconstructed by Poisson method has too many points, I think the reason is that there are so many points in the dense point cloud. Is my thought right? If so, could you tell me Which parameter will have an influence on the num of point in the fused.ply file? Looking forward to you insights! :)

tsattler commented 2 years ago

Decreasing max_image_size or increasing min_num_pixels should result in fewer 3D points.

HsiangYangChu commented 2 years ago

Decreasing max_image_size or increasing min_num_pixels should result in fewer 3D points.

I appreciate it!

HsiangYangChu commented 2 years ago

Hi @tsattler, Did you mean --SiftExtraction.max_image_size for max_image_size? What is the min_num_pixels? Could you provide some details? Looking forward to your reply!

tsattler commented 2 years ago

I was referring to the parameters of stereo_fusion. For details on how the parameters work, you can have a look at how they are used in the code.

HsiangYangChu commented 2 years ago
