colmap / colmap

COLMAP - Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo
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UI/UX Improvement - Estimated Progress #175

Open polarathene opened 6 years ago

polarathene commented 6 years ago

I've been trying to build a dense reconstruction and the Stereo process has been pretty long so far, 2 or so hours for 106 images taken from a cheap smartphone, it states 88999 points. In the logs I can see PatchMatch::Run Does 5 iterations I think?(Whatever is default) seems to be about 2 1/2 mins between each of these. No idea how many of these it will do, if it's one per image that'd be 4-5 hours roughly.

If there is some way of measuring an estimate, it'd be useful vs the helpful "Stereo..." message and cycling progress bar animation. I'm not sure if it's pauseable/resumable(haven't looked into docs) if it is, some indication on the dialog would be good like Pause / Stop rather than Cancel which would suggest I'd lose all progress(I saw on a video that feature extraction/matching can be cancelled and resumed, I think it has a Cancel button too).

polarathene commented 6 years ago

Looked through the docs. You have very nice docs describing the processes with links to technical information which is great. The Multi-View Stereo section explains that it's an intensive process but doesn't appear to describe a way to gauge how long it could take.

The Output Formats section also lists only photometric in it's example, I noticed the file names used my image file names, but it continued to go beyond that count, a 2nd term geometric is there, the shell script names are the only reference of that?

Presumably geometric calculation time is similar to photometric, I'm not sure what the differences between the two are, it is using quite a few GB of storage(not sure if this was warned about in the docs). After computing photometric there is probably a good estimate on how long it will take for geometric too I guess? I'm assuming that once geometric is completed, this Stereo phase will be completed, adding that to the docs would be helpful for others :) Especially if one can stop and resume the process later(too close to finishing now to find out).