colmap / colmap

COLMAP - Structure-from-Motion and Multi-View Stereo
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Windows distribution that includes CMake-based binary artifacts pretty please? python wheel support #1810

Open pwais opened 1 year ago

pwais commented 1 year ago

Dear COLMAP team,

I'm currently trying to help build windows python wheels for pycolmap:

AFAIK what pycolmap needs to build the wheel include:

I've run into the following problems though:

Today, the Windows binary GUI release ( ) does not include headers, though it appears to include the needed DLLs. I have tried to frankenstein this release with the source release ( ) but nothing working just yet.

So, while vcpkg appears to be the preferred way to build COLMAP from source for windows, that also takes a ton of CPU time, and for pycolmap the build could actually be very fast if the right COLMAP binaries were made available.

For the linux colmap release, it's as simple as set up with cmake and then make install will help create a binary release with headers and such. Could we have the same but for Windows?

Any advice would be much appreciated. I don't develop on Windows too much so I'm still learning the area.

pwais commented 1 year ago

cc Maybe there will be a synchronized release of pycolmap and COLMAP soon