Closed qiuyuanWang closed 7 years ago
Seems like there is a problem with your Ceres compilation. Can you successfully run the Ceres-Solver unit tests?
Aborted at 1490195475 (unix time) try "date -d @1490195475" if you are using GNU date PC: @ 0x6e9450 Eigen::internal::call_assignment_no_alias<>() SIGSEGV (@0x0) received by PID 26327 (TID 0x7f380bfff700) from PID 0; stack trace: @ 0x7f3846383390 (unknown) @ 0x6e9450 Eigen::internal::call_assignment_no_alias<>() @ 0x7f38468da0a9 ceres::internal::DenseSparseMatrix::DenseSparseMatrix() @ 0x7f38468edbed ceres::internal::ProgramEvaluator<>::CreateJacobian() @ 0x7f384696e1cc ceres::internal::TrustRegionPreprocessor::Preprocess() @ 0x7f3846965d40 ceres::Solver::Solve() @ 0x7f3846966e29 ceres::Solve() @ 0x66a8ec colmap::RefineAbsolutePose() @ 0x5946eb colmap::IncrementalMapper::RegisterNextImage() @ 0x58ac7d colmap::IncrementalMapperController::Reconstruct() @ 0x58c35a colmap::IncrementalMapperController::Run() @ 0x665fbc colmap::Thread::RunFunc() @ 0x7f384492ec80 (unknown) @ 0x7f38463796ba start_thread @ 0x7f3843e7282d clone @ 0x0 (unknown) Segmentation fault (core dumped)
The following tests FAILED: 8 - base/essential_matrix_utils_test (Failed) 11 - base/feature_matching_test (SEGFAULT) 41 - optim/bundle_adjustment_test (Failed)
I was able to resolve the issue by using Eigen 3.2.0-8 instead of Eigen 3.3.
It seems that the version of Eigen significantly influences the compiling and running onf COLMAP. Having tested Eigen 3.3.3, 3.3; 3.2.10, 3.2.8 and 3.2.5. In all situations, ceres unit tests have all passed. For 3.3.x, code can compile, but tests will fail similarly. For 3.2.10, only feature_matching and opengl_utils will fail For 3.2.x, x<10, code cannot compile, due to the problems in
Can you check if defining EIGEN_DONT_ALIGN_STATICALLY
in COLMAP solves the problem?
Thanks for everyone! I reinstall Eigen 3.3.3 and work !!!
Did it work with the default COLMAP build or just the definitions I mentioned in my previous post?
So, my experience with this issue on multiple machines is that there is some bug in the default Eigen version in the Ubuntu 16.04 repository. Upgrading to a non-Beta, stable version of Eigen fixes the problem for me on all machines. Closing this issue for now. Thanks for the feedback.
Hi, all
I met some question when I started reconstruction. There is the bug report:
Error in `colmap': double free or corruption (out): 0x00007f23c04f19e0 Aborted at 1489130959 (unix time) try "date -d @1489130959" if you are using GNU date PC: @ 0x7f240172dc37 (unknown) SIGABRT (@0x3e800006557) received by PID 25943 (TID 0x7f23c9ffb700) from PID 25943; stack trace: @ 0x7f24040f1330 (unknown) @ 0x7f240172dc37 (unknown) @ 0x7f2401731028 (unknown) @ 0x7f240176a2a4 (unknown) @ 0x7f240177655e (unknown) @ 0x7f24046a6962 ceres::internal::DenseSchurComplementSolver::SolveReducedLinearSystem() @ 0x7f24046a45da ceres::internal::SchurComplementSolver::SolveImpl() @ 0x7f24045ed7f5 ceres::internal::TypedLinearSolver<>::Solve() @ 0x7f240465bfe2 ceres::internal::LevenbergMarquardtStrategy::ComputeStep() @ 0x7f24046cebb9 ceres::internal::TrustRegionMinimizer::ComputeTrustRegionStep() @ 0x7f24046d264c ceres::internal::TrustRegionMinimizer::Minimize() @ 0x7f24046bafe2 ceres::Solver::Solve() @ 0x7f24046bc319 ceres::Solve() @ 0x7148f6 colmap::BundleAdjuster::Solve() @ 0x584d9c colmap::IncrementalMapper::AdjustGlobalBundle() @ 0x57c381 colmap::(anonymous namespace)::AdjustGlobalBundle() @ 0x57e5a3 colmap::IncrementalMapperController::Reconstruct() @ 0x57fdf2 colmap::IncrementalMapperController::Run() @ 0x65574c colmap::Thread::RunFunc() @ 0x7f2402298a60 (unknown) @ 0x7f24040e9184 start_thread @ 0x7f24017f137d (unknown) @ 0x0 (unknown) [1] 25943 abort (core dumped) colmap
There is my colmap cmake report:
-- Boost version: 1.54.0 -- Found the following Boost libraries: -- program_options -- filesystem -- regex -- system -- unit_test_framework -- Found Eigen3 -- Includes : /usr/local/include/eigen3 -- Found FreeImage -- Includes : /usr/include -- Libraries : /usr/lib/ -- Found Glog -- Includes : /usr/include -- Libraries : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -- Found required Ceres dependency: Eigen version 3.3.90 in /usr/local/include/eigen3/ -- Found required Ceres dependency: glog -- Found required Ceres dependency: gflags -- Ceres version 1.12.0 detected here: /usr/local was built with C++11. Ceres target will add C++11 flags to compile options for targets using it. -- Found Ceres version: 1.12.0 installed in: /usr/local with components: [EigenSparse, SparseLinearAlgebraLibrary, LAPACK, SuiteSparse, CXSparse, SchurSpecializations, C++11, OpenMP] -- Found Glew -- Includes : /usr/include -- Libraries : /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ -- Found Qt 5.2.1 -- Build type not specified, using RelWithDebInfo -- Enabling OpenMP support -- Disabling link-time optimization (-flto) -- Disabling CUDA support -- Disabling profiling support -- Configuring done -- Generating done -- Build files have been written to: /home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build
Besides, when I run "make test", I get 4 tests failed:
Test project /home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build Start 1: base/camera_database_test 1/57 Test #1: base/camera_database_test ............... Passed 0.01 sec Start 2: base/camera_models_test 2/57 Test #2: base/camera_models_test ................. Passed 0.03 sec Start 3: base/camera_rig_test 3/57 Test #3: base/camera_rig_test .................... Passed 0.69 sec Start 4: base/camera_test 4/57 Test #4: base/camera_test ........................ Passed 0.08 sec Start 5: base/cost_functions_test 5/57 Test #5: base/cost_functions_test ................ Passed 0.04 sec Start 6: base/database_cache_test 6/57 Test #6: base/database_cache_test ................ Passed 0.11 sec Start 7: base/database_test 7/57 Test #7: base/database_test ...................... Passed 0.34 sec Start 8: base/essential_matrix_utils_test
Error in `/home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build/src/base/essential_matrix_utils_test': double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000001c22340
8/57 Test #8: base/essential_matrix_utils_test ........Failed 0.21 sec Start 9: base/feature_test 9/57 Test #9: base/feature_test ....................... Passed 0.07 sec Start 10: base/feature_extraction_test 10/57 Test #10: base/feature_extraction_test ............ Passed 4.73 sec Start 11: base/feature_matching_test 11/57 Test #11: base/feature_matching_test ..............Exception: SegFault 1.47 sec Start 12: base/homography_matrix_utils_test 12/57 Test #12: base/homography_matrix_utils_test ....... Passed 0.11 sec Start 13: base/image_test 13/57 Test #13: base/image_test ......................... Passed 0.12 sec Start 14: base/line_test 14/57 Test #14: base/line_test .......................... Passed 0.05 sec Start 15: base/point2d_test 15/57 Test #15: base/point2d_test ....................... Passed 0.07 sec Start 16: base/point3d_test 16/57 Test #16: base/point3d_test ....................... Passed 0.11 sec Start 17: base/polynomial_test 17/57 Test #17: base/polynomial_test .................... Passed 0.04 sec Start 18: base/pose_test 18/57 Test #18: base/pose_test .......................... Passed 0.31 sec Start 19: base/projection_test 19/57 Test #19: base/projection_test .................... Passed 0.17 sec Start 20: base/reconstruction_test 20/57 Test #20: base/reconstruction_test ................ Passed 0.25 sec Start 21: base/reconstruction_manager_test 21/57 Test #21: base/reconstruction_manager_test ........ Passed 0.22 sec Start 22: base/scene_graph_test 22/57 Test #22: base/scene_graph_test ................... Passed 0.10 sec Start 23: base/similarity_transform_test 23/57 Test #23: base/similarity_transform_test .......... Passed 0.09 sec Start 24: base/track_test 24/57 Test #24: base/track_test ......................... Passed 0.04 sec Start 25: base/triangulation_test 25/57 Test #25: base/triangulation_test ................. Passed 0.17 sec Start 26: base/undistortion_test 26/57 Test #26: base/undistortion_test .................. Passed 0.52 sec Start 27: base/visibility_pyramid_test 27/57 Test #27: base/visibility_pyramid_test ............ Passed 0.08 sec Start 28: base/warp_test 28/57 Test #28: base/warp_test .......................... Passed 0.21 sec Start 29: estimators/coordinate_frame_test 29/57 Test #29: estimators/coordinate_frame_test ........ Passed 0.24 sec Start 30: estimators/epnp_test 30/57 Test #30: estimators/epnp_test .................... Passed 0.10 sec Start 31: estimators/essential_matrix_test 31/57 Test #31: estimators/essential_matrix_test ........ Passed 0.08 sec Start 32: estimators/fundamental_matrix_test 32/57 Test #32: estimators/fundamental_matrix_test ...... Passed 0.04 sec Start 33: estimators/gp3p_test 33/57 Test #33: estimators/gp3p_test .................... Passed 0.20 sec Start 34: estimators/homography_matrix_test 34/57 Test #34: estimators/homography_matrix_test ....... Passed 0.08 sec Start 35: estimators/p3p_test 35/57 Test #35: estimators/p3p_test ..................... Passed 0.14 sec Start 36: estimators/translation_transform_test 36/57 Test #36: estimators/translation_transform_test ... Passed 0.04 sec Start 37: estimators/utils_test 37/57 Test #37: estimators/utils_test ................... Passed 0.14 sec Start 38: mvs/depth_map_test 38/57 Test #38: mvs/depth_map_test ...................... Passed 0.00 sec Start 39: mvs/mat_test 39/57 Test #39: mvs/mat_test ............................ Passed 0.00 sec Start 40: mvs/normal_map_test 40/57 Test #40: mvs/normal_map_test ..................... Passed 0.00 sec Start 41: optim/bundle_adjustment_test
Error in `/home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build/src/optim/bundle_adjustment_test': double free or corruption (out): 0x000000000262db20 Error in `/home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build/src/optim/bundle_adjustment_test': double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000002680340 Error in `/home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build/src/optim/bundle_adjustment_test': double free or corruption (out): 0x00000000026d32a0 Error in `/home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build/src/optim/bundle_adjustment_test': double free or corruption (out): 0x00000000027257e0 Error in `/home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build/src/optim/bundle_adjustment_test': double free or corruption (out): 0x000000000277b520 Error in `/home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build/src/optim/bundle_adjustment_test': double free or corruption (out): 0x00000000027f7fe0 Error in `/home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build/src/optim/bundle_adjustment_test': double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000002852120 Error in `/home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build/src/optim/bundle_adjustment_test': double free or corruption (out): 0x00000000028ae960 Error in `/home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build/src/optim/bundle_adjustment_test': double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000002908720 Error in `/home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build/src/optim/bundle_adjustment_test': double free or corruption (out): 0x000000000296e440 Error in `/home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build/src/optim/bundle_adjustment_test': double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000002a15700 Error in `/home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build/src/optim/bundle_adjustment_test': double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000002ab3440 Error in `/home/wqy/Documents/colmap/build/src/optim/bundle_adjustment_test': double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000002b5af80
41/57 Test #41: optim/bundle_adjustment_test ............Failed 0.11 sec Start 42: optim/combination_sampler_test 42/57 Test #42: optim/combination_sampler_test .......... Passed 0.00 sec Start 43: optim/loransac_test 43/57 Test #43: optim/loransac_test ..................... Passed 0.01 sec Start 44: optim/progressive_sampler_test 44/57 Test #44: optim/progressive_sampler_test .......... Passed 0.01 sec Start 45: optim/random_sampler_test 45/57 Test #45: optim/random_sampler_test ............... Passed 0.00 sec Start 46: optim/ransac_test 46/57 Test #46: optim/ransac_test ....................... Passed 0.01 sec Start 47: optim/support_measurement_test 47/57 Test #47: optim/support_measurement_test .......... Passed 0.00 sec Start 48: retrieval/visual_index_test 48/57 Test #48: retrieval/visual_index_test ............. Passed 0.99 sec Start 49: util/bitmap_test 49/57 Test #49: util/bitmap_test ........................ Passed 0.01 sec Start 50: util/cache_test 50/57 Test #50: util/cache_test ......................... Passed 0.00 sec Start 51: util/math_test 51/57 Test #51: util/math_test .......................... Passed 0.00 sec Start 52: util/misc_test 52/57 Test #52: util/misc_test .......................... Passed 0.00 sec Start 53: util/opengl_utils_test 53/57 Test #53: util/opengl_utils_test ..................Exception: SegFault 0.18 sec Start 54: util/random_test 54/57 Test #54: util/random_test ........................ Passed 0.02 sec Start 55: util/string_test 55/57 Test #55: util/string_test ........................ Passed 0.00 sec Start 56: util/threading_test 56/57 Test #56: util/threading_test ..................... Passed 3.94 sec Start 57: util/timer_test 57/57 Test #57: util/timer_test ......................... Passed 0.01 sec
93% tests passed, 4 tests failed out of 57
Total Test time (real) = 16.92 sec
The following tests FAILED: 8 - base/essential_matrix_utils_test (Failed) 11 - base/feature_matching_test (SEGFAULT) 41 - optim/bundle_adjustment_test (Failed) 53 - util/opengl_utils_test (SEGFAULT) Errors while running CTest make: *** [test] Error 8
Then, I just run one of these failed tests manually, I get this:
Running 8 test cases... Error in `./src/base/essential_matrix_utils_test': double free or corruption (out): 0x0000000000d80320 unknown location(0): fatal error in "TestRefineEssentialMatrix": signal: SIGABRT (application abort requested) /home/wqy/Documents/colmap/src/base/ last checkpoint
*** 1 failure detected in test suite "base/essential_matrix"
So, any body can tell we what should I do ?
Thank you