colo6299 / CS-1.3-Core-Data-Structures

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Submission 1: Number bases and binary search #1

Open Sukhrobjon opened 4 years ago

Sukhrobjon commented 4 years ago
  1. Number bases: Please complete the bases tasks.
  2. Binary search: You are restricting the number of iterations, line 43 in binary_search_iterative() function. while count < 100: instead use left and right bound if you checked all numbers. Also, you dont need to convert to int here helta = int((right_bound + left_bound) / 2) you can just use double divide // operator, in python it returns integer number. so your code would be helta =((right_bound + left_bound) // 2).
colo6299 commented 4 years ago

I'll implement a new method for bounds, the <100 was kind of a joke not gonna lie...

What's missing from the bases tasks?

colo6299 commented 4 years ago

oh, sorry is where my base functions are stored, they are imported into the test file.