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How to find (the right) participants? #2

Open jhilden opened 8 years ago

jhilden commented 8 years ago

The question is, how do we find participants in/around Cologne that would benefit from something like


One source could be an open platform to match refugees and Germany employers. If you search for refugees within a 50km radius around Cologne you already get a couple of profiles mentioning something with computers:

What other ideas/sources do you have?

erdnusskeks commented 8 years ago

We might ask these initiatives to find refugees with IT background: Die Willkommensinitiativen in den einzelnen Veedeln haben einen gemeinsamen Internetauftritt mit Kontaktinformationen Übersichtskarte mit Adressen und Anlaufstellen Der Kölner Flüchtlingsrat hat eine Homepage für freiwillige Helfer eingerichtet und ein Projekt zur Qualifizierung ins Leben gerufen.

erdnusskeks commented 8 years ago

Had a nice talk with a lady from Caritasverband, Seva Samanja. She is very interested in our project. We agreed that we will stay in contact so I won't call all the other agencies and initiatives. Caritas is part of a huge network and in touch with refugees and all the welcome initiatives. So they can deliver all the information about our project to the right people. Seva Samanja likes to have a short summary of the project and asked for a flyer. I will summarise all information after our next meeting and send it to her via e-mail. We also talked about teenager refugees and that it might be a great chance for them to have a look at programming. So maybe we could think about having two kinds of workshops: one for absolute beginners and one for advanced learners. Let's put this idea on the agenda for Thursday.

jhilden commented 8 years ago

I started collecting all the most important information about our event here: Please complement this with additional information so it can act as a good short summary of what we are trying to do.

koos commented 8 years ago

I've contacted my friend from Malteser Hilfsdienst gemeinnützige GmbH (Leiter Assistance Inland) and got introduced to another guy from malteser. Also @tatjanala has a list with people from DRK. I'll do a follow up next week.