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Find coaches #5

Open jhilden opened 8 years ago

jhilden commented 8 years ago

Who would like to coach at a "Refugeesonrail"-like event?

The content and structure of the workshop will be very similar to the Railsgirls workshops. See e.g.

Concerning our coaching style we would like to follow a similar appraoch to OpenTechSchool:

jhilden commented 8 years ago

Our goal is to find 10 coaches for the 20 participants by the end of november.

So far we have:

jhilden commented 8 years ago

@railsbros-dirk could probably be a Coach if we do it on November 21/22.

For @larsvegas it's not super likely, that he has enough time, but we will see.

koos commented 8 years ago

I can be a coach if we do it on November 27/28

koos commented 8 years ago

Another Idea would be to setup a special "How to meet the Cologne Tech Community" for refugees where all the other community events are listed etc.

jhilden commented 8 years ago

@marcel12bell would be a coach if it is not on the 27/28 because is on that date.

Another potential coach is @DonSchado

stephanpavlovic commented 8 years ago

I would also join...

jhilden commented 8 years ago

Cool @stephanpavlovic

Maybe @uepsilon can also help out with coaching (he will check his schedule)

normanwenk commented 8 years ago

I would like to coach. I don't have any rails knowledge though. Could provide a lesson for JavaScript to consume a rails rest service. Or any other idea?

jhilden commented 8 years ago

Hi @normanwenk great that you want to coach, I'm sure we will find a way to make it work.

Since we are expecting many participants with ony very basic or no web development experience, our plan for the first workshop is also to have very basic material. We are planning to do pretty much this: But I could also imagine that there might be a participant that is already interested in more advanced topics. Or if not we can just pair you with another experienced rails coach.

For further communication it would probably make sense for you to join our slack channel via

jhilden commented 8 years ago

@normanwenk in case you don't have any plans for tonight yet, we will have our next orga meeting tonight (Thursday) at 19:00 in the Cowoco.

jhilden commented 8 years ago

Let's do a quick recap of how many coaches we have:

100% (6):

Maybe (3):

Probably not:

So we still have room for 1-2 coaches more.

We would like to ask you to come a little early (at 17:00) on the Friday of the workshop for some coaches briefing and setting up the location.

Do you already have any questions that we could try to answer before the event?

DittmarSteiner commented 8 years ago

So sorry, but another appointment on Saturday makes it impossible for me to participate at all. Sorry for the inconvenience putting me on and now off.

z1337 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I would also volunteer to be a coach. Don't have Rails knowledge though, just some very basic Ruby knowledge. Also I can make it earliest at 18:00 on Friday, probably with some minutes delay.

tf commented 8 years ago

Hi, are you still looking for coaches? I've never been at an event like this, but I know Rails quite well.

jhilden commented 8 years ago

Hi @tf @z1337 great that you want to participate as coaches.

@z1337 I'm not sure if only basic knowledge will sufficient for teaching at the event

For both of you it would propbably be a good idea if you could come to one of our meetings on Thursdays at 19:00 and join the slack channel. Then we can figure out if it will work.

jhilden commented 8 years ago

@Mobbit did you also want to coach?

z1337 commented 8 years ago

@jhilden I'll probably attend this weeks Limited WIP meeting in Coworking Cologne (which starts @19:00 as well :-/ ) I could be there somewhat earlier, so we can have a chat.

jhilden commented 8 years ago

@z1337 I will definitely be there before 19:00, so at a minimum, the two of us can talk. Come by at any time, looking forward to meeting you.

tf commented 8 years ago

@jhilden I tried to join the slack channel but somehow did not receive an invite. Anything I could be doing wrong?

When will the next meeting take place?

sangyye commented 8 years ago

@tf I was just testing it with two different email addresses and both times i get the invite. Have you looked into your spam folder?

tf commented 8 years ago

Well, I used the Slack batch on When I click the "Get my Invite" button, it changes color, but nothing else happens. Tried different mail addresses. Also no mail in spam.

sangyye commented 8 years ago

@tf please try directly, maybe there is a bug with the Batch.

tf commented 8 years ago

@sangyye yes. Without the batch it works fine. Thanks

z1337 commented 8 years ago

@jhilden trying to be there 18:30 or 45. CU

jhilden commented 8 years ago

I would be nice if all the potential coaches and helpers could fill out the following doodle so we have an overview over who is coming at what time.

If coaches can come on Friday at 17:00 that would be great so we have a couple of people to help set up and we can do some quick briefing about the material etc.

sangyye commented 8 years ago


morgen beginn das große Refugee on Rails Wochenende mit dem Auftakt ab 17 Uhr im Cowoco. Wir freuen uns auf alle die sich als Coach oder Helfer zur Verfügung gestellt haben. Alle Coaches wollten wir noch daran erinnern das um 17:30 Uhr eine kleine Einführungen stattfindet, es wäre schön wen möglichst viele teilnehmen würden. Des weitern bräuchten wir vielleicht noch ein paar Mehrfachstecker um auch alle Notebooks mit Strom versorgen zu können. Wenn jemand bei der Installation der Notebooks helfen möchte, wäre es schön wenn noch ein paar Usb-Sticks für die Ubuntu 14.04 installation mitgebracht werden könnte. Samstags mittag wird es ein „Bring your own Food“-Lunch geben, wir würden uns freuen wenn jeder etwas mitbringen könnte. Bitte trage dich im GoogleDoc ein wenn du etwas mit uns Teilen willst

Danke und bis morgen,

RefugeesOnRails Cologne Team

jhilden commented 8 years ago

Hi Coaches,

we are planning a second workshop on Saturday February 13 in the Stadtbibliothek. This time we will offer both an HTML course for beginners as well as flexible advanced coaching for advanced participants. Would you be available to coach on the 13th from 10:00 to 15:00?

Also after that workshop we would like to offer a regular time for the participants to come and get help by coaches. Currently we are thinking that we can maybe do it biweekly and manage to have at least 2-3 coaches every time. For that we want to figure out what the best day of the week would be for you?

For both questions I created a Doodle poll It would be great if you could all fill it out.

stuffmc commented 8 years ago

I haven't done any Rails for a looooong :) time but I'd love to get back on track there and being involved in helping refugees, I'd volunteer as a coach — but more probably a junior coach for the beginning ;-) For those who don't know me

• Started with my Commodore-64 around 1987 — I was 11. I mostly did GW-Basic to be honnest ;-) • Studied (FH) Computer Sciences — I was done with 21, in 1997 • From then, I was a Microsoft (shhh....) guy, but luckily.... • ... since 2008 I'm a Cocoa Dev — fully Swift since August 2014 (Yup).

Also I did Ruby on Rails from 2009 to 2011, so mostly "before 4.0" :) But I've always wanted to come back. Unsure what level we want to teach the Refugees — maybe I will "look" the first time.

PS: Tried to enter the slack, somehow doesn't work (the invite site).

jhilden commented 8 years ago

@stuffmc great to have you on board. At the next workshop we will both do beginner HTML and advanced-"whatever people want to learn", so it doesn't matter at all that you are not Rails pro at the moment. The name "Refugees on Rails" is not really important and subject to change in the future if we get this really rolling with a diverse group of coaches. We will have an orga meeting tomorrow (Wednesday) 19:00 at Railslove in case you have time to come.

Concerning the slack channel, can you please open a new issue about what exactly went wrong and ping @sangyye in it? thanks.

For all interested coaches, please fill out this short doodle:

jhilden commented 8 years ago

@stuffmc looks like we should have enough coaches but it would still be nice if you would stop by on Saturday.

@z1337 @DittmarSteiner would you be interested in participating in future Refugees events? If yes, it would be nice if you could fill out the Doodle before Saturday:

stuffmc commented 8 years ago

Yes, Jakob. I plan on coming Saturday.

On 11 Feb 2016, at 19:26, Jakob Hilden wrote:

@stuffmc looks like we should have enough coaches but it would still be nice if you would stop by on Saturday.

@z1337 @DittmarSteiner would you be interested in participating in future Refugees events? If yes, it would be nice if you could fill out the Doodle before Saturday: — Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub

DittmarSteiner commented 8 years ago

@jhilden sadly there is no moore capacity since I'm involved into other activities. Sorry. Cheers

cice commented 8 years ago

hey, i'd like to contribute. i'm working for an ecommerce company in Düren (not that far from cologne) and been working with Rails since version 1.2. Never done any coaching before, though. Greetz, Marian

z1337 commented 8 years ago

@jhilden I would be, filled out the doodle for that, if it makes sense for non-Ruby folks.