colonelm / iith2019

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Code Art project of my choice #1

Open colonelm opened 4 years ago

colonelm commented 4 years ago

Identify a digital art project that you may like and describe why.

ShreyaBalakrishnan commented 4 years ago

CREATIVE APPLICATIONS This installation is an interaction of a physical object and it’s movement; based on human interaction. The object morphs and moves itself, according to the human's movement. Found the process very intriguing and interesting. The interactive nature of the product can find multiple applications in industrial as well as gaming industry. The playful nature and uncertainty of installation makes it very exciting for the viewer to view. Interesting play of geometry in 3D space to create exciting compositions. The sync between the music and the movement of elements and patterns according to the beats forms a very exciting piece. Each movement and interaction leads to something very artistic looking and dynamic.

AvinashPK commented 4 years ago


Continnum - Projection Mapping

Competition submission by Moscow based collective Stain, renders the building as a wireframe, revealing colour which eventually deflects of its structure, slowly turning into a recursion of its structural elements.

Also known as ‘spatial augmented reality’, ‘3D mapping’ or ‘video mapping’ the technology can transform everyday objects – cars, cakes, metro tunnels, airport terminals, entire city districts, even water – into interactive displays. In skilled hands, projection mapping will paint entire visual stories, fantastical illusions and immersive environments - delivering additional impact combined with stagecraft lighting effects.

Bidu-design commented 4 years ago


FRAMED*- Canvas for the art of our generation

woryobonzer commented 4 years ago

Creative application Curly code (quartz composer) by Filip Visnjic The randomness and stroke in the curly code exactly reflects about the feelings. The anger in the stroke kind of gives you pleasure at the same time also the semi circle stroke can relate to an unpredicted live. Open Processing
A fork of Circulate by Adam Lastowka. Controls: Mouse pressed stops the lines from spiraling inward, and stops showing their paths. Mouse not pressed sends the lines spiraling inward. At first let the mouse hold still in the center for a few seconds, then start. Also try holding down the mouse and moving it around the screen a bit, and then releasing the mouse and hold it perfectly still, watching what happens. The code is relatively easy to figure out, it's a particle system. something very interesting about this project is how smooth it interacts with the cursors and the blending of lines with the flow of your cursors creating certain types of objects or abstract.

WarWolf047 commented 4 years ago

Creative application

Neo-Natur’ by ART+COM Studios Neo-Natur’ (‘Neo-Nature’) is a permanent installation for Berlin’s Futurium exhibition that explores our potential futures from different areas of life––from self-sufficient cities to the future of work and ideas for more sustainable consumption. Its generative design, created using Rhino/Grasshopper, is based on a mathematical principle known as Danzer tiling which in turn describes the aperiodic structure of quasicrystals. Very amusing and interesting as a very complex structure is constructed using simple elements.

dikshaSingh370 commented 4 years ago


TAMI-An intuitive approach to the learning of trigonometry.

It is an interesting interface that facilitates the learning of the basics of trigonometry. Comprised of a tabletop display and a series of physical controllers where users can manipulate mathematical parameters and see the results on-screen in real-time. This direct, physical manipulation of digital elements enables the internalization of abstract concepts through an embodied and multisensory approach, making better use of pre-existing motor and cognitive skills. TAMI enables an intuitive, playful, and collaborative approach to learning.

AmbadyRavi commented 4 years ago

CREATIVE APPLICATIONS -by Ralph Baecker -Stepper motors arranged in a two dimensional grid, each motor in the installation moves in a random direction, sometimes intersecting and reversing direction, producing interesting patterns.

mandiravr911 commented 4 years ago

CREATIVE APPLICATIONS -Click Canvas by KIMBAB -187 Boxes of light constructed in such a way that the colour of each box changes every time a person presses it.

proxy-prior commented 4 years ago

Danvish Muthu

creative applications


Face Trade is an Art Vending Machine that dispenses unique prints of computer generated face drawings. Instead of paying with money, buyers trade a mugshot that is taken on the spot in order to be permanently stored in the Ethereum Blockchain, consequently turning the transaction into a semi-permanent Face Swap. creator wanted to create an ambiguity where it’s not quite clear weather the faces are happy, sad, deceiving or possibly trying to lure the visitors in. He wanted to capture the wide spectrum of things associated with blockchain which fluctuates between silk road, greed, gold rush mentality and the utopian promises of decentralization and democratisation that we only got to see small glimpses of thus far.

sahilhegde commented 4 years ago

Creative Application NORAA (machine doodle) Machine was made to learn to draw using less instruction and more on prediction and learning from human interaction. Using a human drawing stoke ,it tries to predict what the drawing is and produces it. It seems more interactive it is happening real time. It is insightful in the sense that how human mind governs the rule of geometry to go from one shape to another.

Ashish-Chakravarthi commented 4 years ago

CREATIVE APPLICATIONS TAMI created by Francisco Zamorano and Catalina Cortes at the School of Design at Universidad del Desarrollo. -User Friendly -Very Useful

SaiKumar-pulugam commented 4 years ago

Creative Application Summer 2019 Diversions! written by IITARCH108 Created a methods which can develop forms that are in one sense predictable, but have the element to generate the unexpected; the unexpected in a predictable way.With the help of basic 2d shapes (lines,curves,shapes etc..,) which creates an unexpected patterns ,single shape repeated multiple times that created a new pattern

narumugait commented 4 years ago

‘Self-Choreographing Network’ is a project that aims to challenge the prevalent separation between (digital) design and (physical) operation processes of adaptive and interactive architectural systems. This project proposes a hybrid approach: a real-time, interactive design and operation process that enables the (material) system to be self-aware, fully utilizing and exploring its kinetic design space for adaptive purposes. The approach is based on the interaction of compliant materials with embedded robotic agents, at the interface between digital and physical. This is demonstrated in the form of a room-scale spatial architectural robot, comprising networks of linear elastic components augmented with robotic joints capable of sensing

Adarshini-arun commented 4 years ago

SELF CHOREOGRAPHING NETWORK -Created by Mathias Maierhofer and Valentina Soana at the Institute for Computational Design and Construction. -Self-Choreographing Network’ is a project that aims to challenge the prevalent separation between (digital) design and (physical) operation processes of adaptive and interactive architectural systems. -This project proposes a hybrid approach: a real-time, interactive design and operation process that enables the (material) system to be self-aware, fully utilizing and exploring its kinetic design space for adaptive purposes.

RIDULRAZWIN commented 4 years ago framed 2.0 by yugo nakamura it is screen based digital canvas where people can display their works.The fact that these digital canvases are connected is amazing.we can send the artwork from the phone to the display with just a swipe.The frame website here artists can sell digital artworks is also promising.

Ritik220 commented 4 years ago The Night Journey This is an experimental art game by Bill Viola and USC's Game Innovation Lab that uses both game and video techniques to tell the story of an individual's journey towards enlightenment. Visual Inspiration is derived from prior works of Bill viola, which provide reference for the game world. Textual inspiration is taken from lives and writings of historical figures such as Rumi, Ryokan, Plotinu, etc. The game design explores a challenging question: what is the game mechanic of enlightenment? How can we model such an intensely personal yet archetypal experience in a game? The project stands as a milestone in the search to expand the boundaries of what game experiences may communicate through their game mechanics and world design. -Ritik

PrasoonDhapola commented 4 years ago

MoonQuest is a single-player procedurally-generated adventure game. Each starting character influences the kind of game that is created. The author built the game engine from scratch and added python scripts such as game planner. The game planner generates the basic world structure by joining up different regions. There are obstacles and resources in the game, and the planner ensures that the player can always access the resources required to overcome an obstacle. The game engine modifies the basic game plans by adding or removing regions or connections and then adds extra content like trees, minerals, bosses, NPCs, and so on.

All in all it's a very unique and appealing way of coding games that ensures a lot of automatic and unpredictable generation. This is very useful in the gaming world as you don't have to hand craft every single asset, world or level, which means less man hours as well as less repetitive game elements.

Ajay-ku commented 4 years ago

[](Summer 2019 Diversions! url) This machine is an example of upcoming future art. This machine is able to do art of some artists work individually. It will be a very useful machine for the artist to make art in future.