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Processing project review #2

Open colonelm opened 4 years ago

colonelm commented 4 years ago

Review a Processing project on available on the Internet that you like.

ShreyaBalakrishnan commented 4 years ago


Oil Water Phasing

A composition built with a dots, a basic element based on the oil-water separation. A very versatile piece of work - looks like art if untouched, forms chaotic patterns that look nice due to the blue and red dots. Also could be played as a game, with a simple interaction. The moving dots also allow you to admire them if you just move around the mouse even without solving the game.

AvinashPK commented 4 years ago



Colourful and interactive, Based on a simple element of lines it forms creative patterns each time when you drag around the screen.

dikshaSingh370 commented 4 years ago



A colourful composition involving continous formation of geometric shapes. Appropriate balance of colour and Geometry. Seems like an abstract art come to life captivating viewers sense and possess a puzzle like quality due to its continous shape shifting visuals.

proxy-prior commented 4 years ago

Danvish Muthu open processing


A arrow shooting game namely duel with a option of random dual player. it is mainly done by P5JS in reference with class and object in P5JS. It have both movement and shooting option in it..

WarWolf047 commented 4 years ago


Partial pixel art

A very pleasing view of the famous golden gate bridge in SanFransisco, California with the sunset in the background which gradually changes into the night time. Background filled with buildings with lighting. It also includes live pixelated traffic which gives a sense of flow within the picture.

AmbadyRavi commented 4 years ago

OPEN PROCESSING -by Jason Labbe -Interactive using mouse movements -The sequence and pattern of color changes makes the 3D model interesting.

Ashish-Chakravarthi commented 4 years ago

OPEN PROCESSING Duel (a shooter game) by FAL -Simple yet fascinating. -Interactive gameplay

mandiravr911 commented 4 years ago

OPEN PROCESSING -Veiled text by Richard Bourne -Lots of particles start off on the edge of a word.

sahilhegde commented 4 years ago

Open Processing Use of size and flickering colour pallet to induce depth effect. at every stage of decrease in size a steady colour pattern is produced giving psychedelic effect. the basic shape gives a stability to the colour movement

narumugait commented 4 years ago

Open Processing It has a very interesting imagery of varying textures and shapes which makes it hypnotic. It's movement goes from wobbly to geometric with the movement of the cursor. The speed changes as well, with the center being the slowest and the sides being the fastest. There is a gradual change in the shape of the small units as the cursor is moved near the top and bottom

SaiKumar-pulugam commented 4 years ago

OPEN PROCESSING user Interactive with mouse movements which creates water ripples neon colors of green and blue were good simple continuous circular pattern make an unexpected patterns when user is interacting with it

batshasb4 commented 4 years ago

LANGUAGE FOREST The intriguing movements of the elements. Simple graphic elements used i.e. letters, numbers and symbols. Huge canvas gives an effect of infinite scrolling. With the movement of mouse various patterns can be seen throughout the canvas which mostly replicates water droplets.

Adarshini-arun commented 4 years ago

PARTICLE PLOTTER The movement is rhythmic and fascinating . It is a kind of organised chaos. The pattern is intriguing and eye catching. The colour scheme is dynamic. The way the pattern leaves the canvas is interesting.

AryamanK6206 commented 4 years ago

OPEN PROCESSING Free shooter game ContainmentBreach. Well rounded game with easy controls and a simple user interface . Utilizes both mouse and arrow keys. Game progresses smoothly from easy to moderate difficulty.

RIDULRAZWIN commented 4 years ago particle plotter by vamoss It is an interactive art which plots random lines according to mouse movement eventhough certain patterns are repeating,the colours used give a special feel to it.It is simple but addictive.There is a certain therapeutic feel to it.

Ritik220 commented 4 years ago WOBBLY SWARM In this project we have to create particles by interacting with our mouse click. The particles attract when they are far away They repel when they are close More number of particles results in collective formation of a circular shape which seems spherical. The fluidity in the whole sketch makes it look more lively and interesting. -Ritik(BDes)

PrasoonDhapola commented 4 years ago MUTABLE RPIILES Colored dots appear in rhythmically varying size following a pattern seems to form a circle on the faces of a cube. You can rotate the cube as it follows the direction of the mouse pointer.

The resulting effect is a fun and relaxing interaction that is akin to many natural interactions such as with a river or the sea, where the ripples come and go in waves and you can alter them in a certain way by interacting with it but it stills maintains some sort of rhythm, however you try to alter the flow.

Ajay-ku commented 4 years ago

[Mouse bear]( url) In this programme. I like the very minimal visual form which shows a icon of the bear. It is very interactive when you move mouse. This type of example will be useful on websites to make their logo interactive.