colonelpanic8 / org-project-capture

Manage org-mode TODOs for your projectile projects
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(void-variable occ-get-categories) #55

Closed dustinlacewell closed 1 year ago

dustinlacewell commented 2 years ago

GNU Emacs 29.0.50 (build 1, aarch64-apple-darwin20.6.0, NS appkit-2022.60 Version 11.5.1 (Build 20G80))

When installing via (use-package org-projectile):

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (void-variable occ-get-categories)
  byte-code("\305\10\306 \"\210\305\11\307 \"\210\305\n\310\13!\311#\210\305\f\312\13!\"\210\313\314\315\316!\"\210\313\317\320\316!\"\210\313\321\317\"\210\322\321\323\324..." [occ-get-categories occ-get-todo-files occ-get-capture-marker _context occ-target-entry-p defmethod (_ occ-strategy) (_ occ-strategy) (_ occ-strategy) "Return a marker that corresponds to the capture lo..." (_ occ-strategy) defalias occ-context-p eieio-make-class-predicate occ-context occ-context--eieio-childp eieio-make-child-predicate occ-context-child-p make-obsolete "use (cl-typep ... 'occ-context) instead" "25.1" define-symbol-prop cl-deftype-satisfies eieio-defclass-internal nil ((category :initarg :category) (template :initarg :template) (options :initarg :options) (strategy :initarg :strategy))] 6)
  load-with-code-conversion("/Users/dustinlacewell/.emacs.d/straight/build/org-..." "/Users/dustinlacewell/.emacs.d/straight/build/org-..." t t)
  require(org-projectile nil t)
  (not (require 'org-projectile nil t))
  (if (not (require 'org-projectile nil t)) (display-warning 'use-package (format "Cannot load %s" 'org-projectile) :error) (condition-case-unless-debug err (progn (setq org-projectile-per-project-filepath "") (:push org-capture-templates (org-projectile-project-todo-entry :capture-character "l" :capture-heading "Linked Project TODO")) (:push org-capture-templates (org-projectile-project-todo-entry :capture-character "p")) t) (error (funcall use-package--warning102 :config err))))
  (condition-case err (if (not (require 'org-projectile nil t)) (display-warning 'use-package (format "Cannot load %s" 'org-projectile) :error) (condition-case-unless-debug err (progn (setq org-projectile-per-project-filepath "") (:push org-capture-templates (org-projectile-project-todo-entry :capture-character "l" :capture-heading "Linked Project TODO")) (:push org-capture-templates (org-projectile-project-todo-entry :capture-character "p")) t) (error (funcall use-package--warning102 :config err)))) ((debug error) (funcall use-package--warning102 :catch err)))
  (condition-case-unless-debug err (if (not (require 'org-projectile nil t)) (display-warning 'use-package (format "Cannot load %s" 'org-projectile) :error) (condition-case-unless-debug err (progn (setq org-projectile-per-project-filepath "") (:push org-capture-templates (org-projectile-project-todo-entry :capture-character "l" :capture-heading "Linked Project TODO")) (:push org-capture-templates (org-projectile-project-todo-entry :capture-character "p")) t) (error (funcall use-package--warning102 :config err)))) (error (funcall use-package--warning102 :catch err)))
  (progn (straight-use-package 'org-projectile) (defvar use-package--warning102 #'(lambda (keyword err) (let ((msg (format "%s/%s: %s" ... keyword ...))) (display-warning 'use-package msg :error)))) (condition-case-unless-debug err (if (not (require 'org-projectile nil t)) (display-warning 'use-package (format "Cannot load %s" 'org-projectile) :error) (condition-case-unless-debug err (progn (setq org-projectile-per-project-filepath "") (:push org-capture-templates (org-projectile-project-todo-entry :capture-character "l" :capture-heading "Linked Project TODO")) (:push org-capture-templates (org-projectile-project-todo-entry :capture-character "p")) t) (error (funcall use-package--warning102 :config err)))) (error (funcall use-package--warning102 :catch err))))
  (use-package org-projectile :config (setq org-projectile-per-project-filepath "") (:push org-capture-templates (org-projectile-project-todo-entry :capture-character "l" :capture-heading "Linked Project TODO")) (:push org-capture-templates (org-projectile-project-todo-entry :capture-character "p")))
  eval((use-package org-projectile :config (setq org-projectile-per-project-filepath "") (:push org-capture-templates (org-projectile-project-todo-entry :capture-character "l" :capture-heading "Linked Project TODO")) (:push org-capture-templates (org-projectile-project-todo-entry :capture-character "p"))) t)
  (setq val (eval lispy-form lexical))
  (progn (fset '\, #'identity) (set-match-data lispy-eval-match-data) (setq val (eval lispy-form lexical)) (setq lispy-eval-match-data (match-data)))
  (unwind-protect (progn (fset '\, #'identity) (set-match-data lispy-eval-match-data) (setq val (eval lispy-form lexical)) (setq lispy-eval-match-data (match-data))) (fset '\, nil))
  (let (val) (unwind-protect (progn (fset '\, #'identity) (set-match-data lispy-eval-match-data) (setq val (eval lispy-form lexical)) (setq lispy-eval-match-data (match-data))) (fset '\, nil)) val)
  lispy--eval-elisp-form((use-package org-projectile :config (setq org-projectile-per-project-filepath "") (:push org-capture-templates (org-projectile-project-todo-entry :capture-character "l" :capture-heading "Linked Project TODO")) (:push org-capture-templates (org-projectile-project-todo-entry :capture-character "p"))) t)
  (let ((r (lispy--eval-elisp-form e-sexp lexical-binding))) (lispy--prin1 r))
  (condition-case e (let ((r (lispy--eval-elisp-form e-sexp lexical-binding))) (lispy--prin1 r)) (error (progn (fset '\, nil) (let ((es (error-message-string e))) (if (and lispy-lax-eval (string-match "^Symbol's value as variable is void: \\(.*\\)$" es)) (progn (setq es (match-string 1 es)) (set (intern es) nil) (message "Caught unbound variable %s, setting it to nil." es)) (signal (car e) (cdr e)))))))
  (let ((e-sexp (read e-str))) (if (consp e-sexp) (progn (cond ((and (memq (car e-sexp) '...) (consp (cdr e-sexp)) (boundp (car ...))) (set (car (cdr e-sexp)) (eval (car ...)))) ((eq (car e-sexp) 'defface) (lispy-eval-defun-1 (macroexpand e-sexp))) ((memq (car e-sexp) ',\,@) (setq e-sexp (car (cdr e-sexp))))))) (condition-case e (let ((r (lispy--eval-elisp-form e-sexp lexical-binding))) (lispy--prin1 r)) (error (progn (fset '\, nil) (let ((es (error-message-string e))) (if (and lispy-lax-eval (string-match "^Symbol's value as variable is void: \\(.*\\)$" es)) (progn (setq es ...) (set ... nil) (message "Caught unbound variable %s, setting it to nil." es)) (signal (car e) (cdr e))))))))
  lispy--eval-elisp("(use-package org-projectile\n  :config\n  ;; (org-pr...")
  funcall(lispy--eval-elisp "(use-package org-projectile\n  :config\n  ;; (org-pr...")
  (progn (setq e-str (or e-str (if (> (length handler) 2) (funcall (nth 2 handler)) (save-excursion (if (or (lispy-right-p) (region-active-p)) nil (lispy-forward 1)) (lispy--string-dwim))))) (require (nth 0 handler)) (funcall (nth 1 handler) e-str))
  (if handler (progn (setq e-str (or e-str (if (> (length handler) 2) (funcall (nth 2 handler)) (save-excursion (if (or ... ...) nil (lispy-forward 1)) (lispy--string-dwim))))) (require (nth 0 handler)) (funcall (nth 1 handler) e-str)) (error "%s isn't supported currently" major-mode))
  (let ((handler (cdr (cl-find-if #'(lambda (x) (if ... ... ...)) lispy-eval-alist)))) (if handler (progn (setq e-str (or e-str (if (> (length handler) 2) (funcall (nth 2 handler)) (save-excursion (if ... nil ...) (lispy--string-dwim))))) (require (nth 0 handler)) (funcall (nth 1 handler) e-str)) (error "%s isn't supported currently" major-mode)))
  (let ((res (lispy--eval nil))) (if (memq major-mode lispy-clojure-modes) (progn (setq res (lispy--clojure-pretty-string res)))) (if lispy-eval-output (progn (setq res (concat lispy-eval-output res)))) (cond ((eq lispy-eval-display-style 'message) (lispy-message res)) ((or (fboundp 'cider--display-interactive-eval-result) (require 'cider nil t)) (cider--display-interactive-eval-result res (cdr (lispy--bounds-dwim)))) ((or (fboundp 'eros--eval-overlay) (require 'eros nil t)) (eros--eval-overlay res (cdr (lispy--bounds-dwim)))) (t (error "Please install CIDER >= 0.10 or eros to display ov..."))))
  (cond ((eq arg 2) (lispy-eval-and-comment)) ((and (looking-at lispy-outline) (looking-at lispy-outline-header)) (lispy-eval-outline)) (t (let ((res (lispy--eval nil))) (if (memq major-mode lispy-clojure-modes) (progn (setq res (lispy--clojure-pretty-string res)))) (if lispy-eval-output (progn (setq res (concat lispy-eval-output res)))) (cond ((eq lispy-eval-display-style 'message) (lispy-message res)) ((or (fboundp 'cider--display-interactive-eval-result) (require 'cider nil t)) (cider--display-interactive-eval-result res (cdr (lispy--bounds-dwim)))) ((or (fboundp 'eros--eval-overlay) (require 'eros nil t)) (eros--eval-overlay res (cdr (lispy--bounds-dwim)))) (t (error "Please install CIDER >= 0.10 or eros to display ov..."))))))
  (condition-case e (cond ((eq arg 2) (lispy-eval-and-comment)) ((and (looking-at lispy-outline) (looking-at lispy-outline-header)) (lispy-eval-outline)) (t (let ((res (lispy--eval nil))) (if (memq major-mode lispy-clojure-modes) (progn (setq res (lispy--clojure-pretty-string res)))) (if lispy-eval-output (progn (setq res (concat lispy-eval-output res)))) (cond ((eq lispy-eval-display-style 'message) (lispy-message res)) ((or (fboundp ...) (require ... nil t)) (cider--display-interactive-eval-result res (cdr ...))) ((or (fboundp ...) (require ... nil t)) (eros--eval-overlay res (cdr ...))) (t (error "Please install CIDER >= 0.10 or eros to display ov...")))))) (eval-error (lispy-message (cdr e))))
  funcall-interactively(lispy-eval 1)
  (cond ((lispy--edebug-commandp) (call-interactively lispy--edebug-command)) ((region-active-p) (call-interactively 'lispy-eval)) ((lispy--in-string-or-comment-p) (setq this-command 'self-insert-command) (call-interactively 'self-insert-command)) ((or (lispy-left-p) (lispy-right-p) (and (lispy-bolp) (or (looking-at lispy-outline-header) (looking-at lispy-outline)))) (call-interactively 'lispy-eval)) (t (setq this-command 'self-insert-command) (call-interactively 'self-insert-command)))
colonelpanic8 commented 1 year ago

@dustinlacewell Are you still seeing this issue? Things have been refactored a lot.

I would generally recommend running

straight-pull-recipe-repositories when you get installation issues like this.

colonelpanic8 commented 1 year ago

feel free to reopen if you still have the issue.