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Play Store Images - Additional Screenshots and Tablet Versions #244

Closed samgawaran closed 1 year ago

samgawaran commented 1 year ago


We're posting Colonist mobile to the app store and want the layout to be ASO (app store optimized.) Added additional screenshots for mobile based on Simon's feedback here:

Posting polished app screenshots that we could use for the play store. Guidelines research is in here

for 10 inch tablets and up I decided to go through the biggest screen size shown in the specs here: which is 2732 x 2048


Phone Screenshots


Tablet Screenshots


How it would look


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@demiculus @JuanRoman77 @SimonH321

JuanRoman77 commented 1 year ago

Make the order of the images be:

  1. Optimized
  2. Leaderboards
  3. Friends
  4. Expansions
  5. Maps

Put the end game screen image in the Leaderboards image image

Remove background image

4th image should say Try out Expansions... and 5th image should say ...and tons of Maps! image

These images should go under the title Optimized for Mobile image

Add a different image. Show the friends list in /profile instead. Make the title of this image be Play with Friends image

Remove challenge image

samgawaran commented 1 year ago

closing this issue, updated one is here: