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Score board (list of opponents, improvements, VPs) #296

Closed johnsillings closed 1 year ago

johnsillings commented 1 year ago

As a player, I should be aware of my opponents' VPs, cards in hand (both resources and dev cards), progress toward key objectives (like longest road and largest army), turn order, and whose turn it is currently. I should also be able to refer to the score board to know which player is which color.



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johnsillings commented 1 year ago

Monopoly scoreboard:

This may be out of scope for now, but one thing Monopoly does really well here is they make it really easy to differentiate the players, because they use:

  1. Avatar / figurine
  2. Color
  3. Ribbon shape

In Colonist, "johnsillings" is the "blue player."

In Monopoly, "johnsillings" is purple, the diagonal ribbon, AND a car figurine.