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Game Build Actions Improvement #325

Open demiculus opened 1 year ago

demiculus commented 1 year ago

Juan says this

  1. instead of the highlight circle to place stuff, they need to explore showing a faded version of the asset you want to place. like a 50% opacity road
  2. button doesn't look like a button. people struggle to place the initial settlements because they don't know that they need to click the checkmark to confirm... imagine this button

Oguz says this

About new users spamming on not-buildable corners: we could either show a popup similar to when they try to play development card on someone elses turn : "cannot build here", or create red circles on impossible corner clicks. Watch this: used to be our competitor, had this feature. But we crushed them. So they don't exist anymore. See if you can find more relevant videos.

Check out other competitors in discord competitors channel

Steve says this

  • the thing you're going to be missing on mobile is mouseover, so you'll need to make it obvious to someone thats how you build.. maybe its slight pulses or ghost roads when its that players turn but you'll need to make it obvious especially for new players.. maybe this can be amped up when they have brick/log in-hand

  • for a settlement to city.. perhaps there's an UP arrow or somethat that appears on a settlement once you have 3 ore 2 wheat in your hand or something.. showing that you can upgrade

Mau-MD commented 1 year ago

Just adding to previous comments. I wa playing on Online Catan today at it wasn't obvious at all. The "circle" only appears on valid places and when you hover. I had a hard time understanding this workflow. If we ever remove the actions buttons below, it would me take me a while to understand how to place roads/settlements.