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[color-slider] Incorrect color when programmatically setting stops #32

Closed DmitrySharabin closed 5 months ago

DmitrySharabin commented 6 months ago

I could narrow down the problem.

When we initially set the value of <channel-slider>, we update its dependants. Doing so, we update the corresponding <color-slider>. Precisely, the color property.

To update the color property, we call Prop.update(). Since the color prop has a getter, it’s called to get the current color value and set it to <color-picker>.

However, we are setting not the initial value (lightness == 0.6279…) that caused the update, but the one got from <color-slider> (lightness == 0.7081…).

Color change dispatches a propchange event (for color property) and sets the --color custom property (the wrong color!). After that, the color property is never changed, which means the --color custom property is never updated.

Since the slider thumb uses --color as a background, we get the wrong result.

DmitrySharabin commented 5 months ago

A bit of further observations (WIP)

Why <channel-slider> track styles are applied correctly?

Because on every <channel-slider>'s defaultColor change we update the corresponding prop on the underlying <color-slider>:

However, we should also update the color property of the <color-slider>. Why? Right now, color is a read-only prop of <color-slider>:

Its value is calculated from scales:

And scales in their turn are calculated from stops:

That means color is calculated (through a series of steps) from steps.

This leads us to the conclusion that every time we update the <color-sliders>'s stops from <channel-slider>, we “update” the <color-sliders>'s color, too (well, not update as it's read-only, but the getter will return an updated value).

But when we update stops? When we read the <channel-slider>'s color attribute (on <channel-slider> initialization).

Why does the <channel-slider> thumb have the wrong color?

After the <channel-slider>'s color attribute is handled, both <channel-slider> and <color-slider> have correct color stops in oklch with channels equal 0.5, 0.2, and 180 respectively—the default color value. For <color-slider>, that means that its color prop is updated, and eventually, the --color color property is set:

And it's set based on the current color (in oklch with channels [0.5, 0.2, 180]).

Later on, when the default value for the lightness channel of the <channel-slider>'s current color is calculated and updated, the value of the underlying <color-slider> is also updated (by applying the changes):

Even though the change of the value of the <channel-slider> will lead us to the correct color value for the <channel-slider> (the value is calculated from defaultColor we have something like: in oklch with channels [new_value1, new_value2, new_value3]):

This value change doesn't lead us to the correct update of the color of the underlying <color-slider>—the only thing that is updated is its lightness channel. So, we have something like: in oklch with channels [new_value, 0.2, 180]. And this color is wrong.

Possible Solution

We should probably update the <color-slider>'s color prop (not only stops) of every change of corresponding properties of <channel-slider>, e.g., like so:

        if (name === "defaultColor" || name === "space" || name === "channel" || name === "min" || name === "max") {
            this._el.slider.stops = this.stops;
+           this._el.slider.color = this.defaultColor;

            if (name === "space" || name === "channel" || name === "min" || name === "max") {
                this._el.slot.innerHTML = `${ this.channelName } <em>(${ this.min }&thinsp;&ndash;&thinsp;${ this.max })</em>`;

But for now, color is a read-only prop of <color-slider>. We should probably fix it.

Why is it starting to work correctly on user interaction?

On user interaction, the <channel-slider> value changes, this leads to the change of the value of the (underlying)<color-slider>. This leads to color prop change, and its value is based on stops, which were set correctly.

DmitrySharabin commented 5 months ago

The issue is reproduced with <color-slider> when programmatically sets its stops.

<button id="btn">Set stops</button>
<color-slider space="oklch" stops="red, red" id="slider"></color-slider>

    btn.addEventListener("click", () => {
        slider.stops = "gold, darkcyan, indigo";

Debugging further...

DmitrySharabin commented 5 months ago

Found it!!!

The color prop is a computed property and is calculated with colorAt():

colorAt(), in its turn, is calculated with colorAtProgress() which depends on scales:

It means that color depends on scales but doesn't know about it! So, we need to explicitly set dependencies when defining the color prop:

color: {
    type: Color,
    get () {
        return this.colorAt(this.value);
+   dependencies: ["scales", "value"],

It seems that we should solve this issue in a more general way than the one proposed above. We should probably also check property getters when building the dependency graph to find what they depend on. Is this possible?

LeaVerou commented 5 months ago

Yay! No, I think setting explicit dependencies is fine, that's exactly what they're for. Trying to infer them in that case would get incredibly complex, and the cost-benefit is not worth it (though I'm open to being convinced otherwise)