coloradocube / balloonsat

COTS balloonsat mission to test the RPi 4 with a battery UPS, a quad camarray, a GPS module, a RockBLOCK module, and a small number of Qwiic sensors
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Outdoor test with GPS #59

Closed ivogeorg closed 2 years ago

NotfatPrince commented 2 years ago

Get the latest version of wiringpi

sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-latest.deb
gpio -v

Install python libraries

sudo pip install RPi.GPIO
sudo apt-get install python-serial
sudo apt-get install gpsd-tools  gpsd-clients 
sudo -H pip3 install gps3

Download demo codes

cd ~/Documents/MAX-XXX_GNSS_HAT_Code/

Files should be in /home/pi/Documents/ MAX-XXX_GNSS_HAT_Code/RaspberryPi/python/coordinate_converter

ivogeorg commented 2 years ago

RPi can read the GPS signal in WGS48 (lon, lat, alt) outdoors with an external antenna. Problems with the code will be solved in #50. Closing.