coloradocube / balloonsat

COTS balloonsat mission to test the RPi 4 with a battery UPS, a quad camarray, a GPS module, a RockBLOCK module, and a small number of Qwiic sensors
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Create .py file that sets the GNSS receiver's dynamic platform model to airborne with < 1g and verifies #82

Closed ccason1 closed 2 years ago

ivogeorg commented 2 years ago

@ccason1 Could you pls:

  1. Reference the sections in the documentation and protocol manual you sourced the serial commands for this solution?
  2. State what models of u-blox GNSS receivers support this solution and whether future (that is, past M8) versions are going to continue supporting it?
  3. State what the behavior of this setting is, specifically:
    1. What are the available modes? What is "airborne with <1g"? Is "g" Earth gravity acceleration or something else?
    2. What is the default flight mode on power-up?
    3. Does the setting survive across a power cycle or does it need to be done on every power-on?
    4. Does the setting ever revert to a "lower" mode after confirming "airborne with <1g" if it is not power-cycled, for example, after some interval or time?

You can add all this info in a markdown file under balloonsat/gps where the source file is.