@taimaz22 and @MKIM1008 this shows current work programme
Landuse section
[X] Update Land Use drop downs (NAIC, ES, BEA @MKIM1008 and @polly64
[x] Update NNDR simplfied groups (Land Use) @MKIM1008
[X] Create design brief for land use operation @polly64 and @MKIM1008
[X] Write to international group @polly64 re agreement on CCRP descriptions
[ ] Landuse sub-link to NACE, etc. @MKIM1008
[ ] Build and test 2nd iteration of land use linking NNDR to NACE @matkoniecz
[ ] Charnwood & E.Midlands NNDR/Companies house @MKIM1008
[ ] Data license term/FOI @MKIM1008
Energy section & retrofit
[ ] Create editable excel file and share with national and international energy advisors @blaumiau, @popcorndoublefeature, @polly64
[ ] Collate feedback and produce new code for core code new energy classes also linking to concordia suggestion of plugins for technical side @polly64
[ ] Experiment with partner methods of data capture recorded on the excel file @matkoniecz @polly64 and Birmingham
Construction and demolition (Digital Twin)
[ ] @MKIM1008 Assess access to construction and completion dates from building control
[ ] @MKIM1008 Assess possibility of API production
[ ] Stream to facilitate digital twin mimicking change working with @polly64
Building Footprints (Mateusz/Polly Mihyun)
[x] @matkoniecz Mateusz to complete first stage release
[ ] @matkoniecz Mateusz to complete bulk upload tool
[X]@MKIM1008 to create shared file for university partners tests
[X] @polly64 to write to university partners involved in testing: Birmingham, Newcastle, Leicester, Nottinghmam, Bristol, Exeter
[x] @MKIM1008 Mihyun to set up paper format
[ ] @taimaz22 to notify Leicester and Nottingham contacts
[ ] @matkoniecz to release for E. Midlands region?
[ ] Write paper
[ ] API (Mateusz) Hi @MKIM1008 what does this relate to ?
Retrofit (Charnwood planning enforcement officer- can we stream enforcement notices?)
Transport (@MKIM1008 @polly64 @matkoniecz @ Hans can we stream live bus data?)
Age (Historians @MKIM1008 to update)
Tree data (John Francis (Turing), Andreas (Cambridge), @polly64 @MKIM1008 @matkoniecz
Historical maps (@polly64)
Community response to facades @polly64 @MKIM1008 can we include these with historian co-working adressing Penn constructs?
@taimaz22 and @MKIM1008 this shows current work programme
Landuse section
Energy section & retrofit
Construction and demolition (Digital Twin)
[ ] @MKIM1008 Assess access to construction and completion dates from building control
[ ] @MKIM1008 Assess possibility of API production
[ ] Stream to facilitate digital twin mimicking change working with @polly64
Building Footprints (Mateusz/Polly Mihyun)
[x] @matkoniecz Mateusz to complete first stage release
[ ] @matkoniecz Mateusz to complete bulk upload tool
[X]@MKIM1008 to create shared file for university partners tests
[X] @polly64 to write to university partners involved in testing: Birmingham, Newcastle, Leicester, Nottinghmam, Bristol, Exeter
[x] @MKIM1008 Mihyun to set up paper format
[ ] @taimaz22 to notify Leicester and Nottingham contacts
[ ] @matkoniecz to release for E. Midlands region?
[ ] Write paper
[ ] API (Mateusz) Hi @MKIM1008 what does this relate to ?
Retrofit (Charnwood planning enforcement officer- can we stream enforcement notices?) Transport (@MKIM1008 @polly64 @matkoniecz @ Hans can we stream live bus data?) Age (Historians @MKIM1008 to update) Tree data (John Francis (Turing), Andreas (Cambridge), @polly64 @MKIM1008 @matkoniecz Historical maps (@polly64) Community response to facades @polly64 @MKIM1008 can we include these with historian co-working adressing Penn constructs?