colouring-cities / colouring-britain

Developed out of the Colouring London prototype. Collecting data on Britain's buildings and testing new core features
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OS and Bing polygon matching/New 'Location' open building footprint subsection, intersecting INSPIRE/OS Map Local #38

Open polly64 opened 1 year ago

polly64 commented 1 year ago

Thanks @matkoniecz for the image and your comments . hi @fallipalaiologou @tomalrussell

Bing and Ordnance differences 76

MK comments: _These polygons are visible as overlays and are enabled by default, can be disabled as usual. Ordnance data is red (and likely will be the same data as background map). Bing data is green.

Common issues to Bing Buildings

PH comments

The Microsoft results are disappointing aren't they. I thought from sample we looked at before they would be less aggregation and much better matching. So I think as a next step for the sample you have used would be to:

a) Overlay the OS Open Map local (OML) available We want to integrate this OS dataset:

b) Overlay the open OS UPRN layer lat/long coordinates to provide a coloured point layer showing centroids for each building (can you make points quite big and bright so clearly visible).

c) Overlay the INSPIRE dataset I tested this along with use of historical maps to split larger polygons in 2016/17

d) Overlay merged OML and INSPIRE datasets. I have asked OS whether we can merge OML with INSPIRE (as the INSPIRE parcel outlines will split up the blocks - which we did in 2016 in CASA but weren't allowed to release. (it is not perfect as you might have 3 terraced houses merged if the are in same ownwership but much better than block only). However it might be that if we kept footprints resulting from from the OML/INSPIRE join behind the current firewall we might be permitted - will let you know when I hear but in the meantime could you possibly also try creating a merged dataset.

e) Consider an Annotation tool (as we are for historical maps/there is an off the shelf open product) allow for Open polygon datasets to be manually corrected or split using OML/URPRN centroids/Historical maps. NB: We cannot use OSMM for this only datasets are open.

f) Under 'Location' we need to add a new ' Building Footprint' subsection including a series of layers with a button for each and links to where people can access the downloads. The layers would be:


Does this all seem sensible?

matkoniecz commented 1 year ago


Overlay a sample of Google's open footprints

Have they released one that would contain this area? is not covering UK.

I found that email you send and it was also titled "Open Google building footprints for global south countries".

Is there some new/other dataset?

polly64 commented 1 year ago

hi @matkoniecz if you can't find it then imagine haven'[t done for our area- Tom just said they had released

matkoniecz commented 1 year ago

Do we want to keep that Bing overlay at staging? Or document how I obtained this data for testing? Or just eject all that Bing Buildings as testing revealed them to be sad.

polly64 commented 1 year ago

@matkoniecz I think we need to keep for moment as separate layer, and try out the INSPIRE & Open Map Local Merge and see how that looks, (would it be possibly for u to look at problem with copy button for architectural style in age and history if it is a quick fix?)

It's still useful to record for countries where these are best footprints available

and definitely document how it was accessed and problems - could you also just put in word doc and then @fallipalaiologou can set up as a paper which we should develop to record this process

polly64 commented 1 year ago

@matkoniecz is the Microsoft lBing ayer the same as the OSM layer? could you overlay OSM? If Bing is being integrated into OSM should we just use OSM as likely to be richer?

I can meet anytime tomorrow to chat if helpful, just let me know and I'll send a meeting link

polly64 commented 1 year ago

also keep in mind TR's issue re counting buildings and polygons

matkoniecz commented 1 year ago

OpenStreetMap is completely distinct from Bing Buildings. It's main problem is that many buildings are missing. Accuracy of actually mapped is much better than what is in Bing, which at times is hallucinating.

matkoniecz commented 1 year ago

OpenStreetMap maps buildings, from serial imagery, in some areas from official data (not in UK where it's license is our problem) or from Bing Buildings (which has limits due to quality of this dataset being really poor in some areas).

It is far from full coverage in UK and it is unlikely to be reached soon.

matkoniecz commented 1 year ago

I can also add OpenStreetMap to compare it. If it would be about small area it is feasible to just map what is missing, but that is not viable for entire UK. License is the same as Bing Buildings, both require clear attribution visible to a typical user (both use ODBL)

polly64 commented 1 year ago

@matkoniecz I think worth mapping OSM just so we can discuss. just for the sample for the moment I think we will need to use the Open Map Local merged with the INSPIRE polygons as that is the best we'll get and for moment keep these behind the fire wall as though 'open' there are clearly some restriction . can you try and merged for the loughborough area so we can have a look compared to OSMM? can you meet tomorrow for a chat?

matkoniecz commented 1 year ago

@polly64 Yes, I can meet on chat today.

matkoniecz commented 1 year ago*3a6gvs*_ga*OTI1MDM4Njk5LjE2OTMyMTM1MDE.*_ga_59ZBN7DVBG*MTY5MzIxMzUwMC4xLjEuMTY5MzIxMzc4OC4xMC4wLjA.&_ga=2.212230292.1044399733.1693213502-925038699.1693213501 (this link can be unstable)

matkoniecz commented 1 year ago

matkoniecz commented 1 year ago

There was an idea to intersect OML and Inspire (both on Open Government License) to produce building areas split into its actual separate buildings.

It works to produce approximate areas of many buildings.

1) there are less hallucinated than Bing Buildings, there is strong relation between buildings in both datasets


2) OML is lossy representation of Master Map buildings (or at least result is similar)


2b) most garages/sheds/other outbuildings had no representation in OML and are therefore lost


3) Some buildings like churches, schools, some commercial buildings are outside INSPIRE plots (or missed in loading data).


4) some topology is lost, nonjoining buildings shown as joining


5) generalized area can leak out outside relevant plots resulting in fake building being created by intersection

at the same time some real buildings are outside INSPIRE parcels, so we cannot just skip such objects

deleting tiny generated buildings may help, probably with false positives and false negatives


matkoniecz commented 1 year ago

It locates location and rough shape of a building, but area, exact shape, adjoining to other buildings - all that is lost or highly inaccurate.


matkoniecz commented 1 year ago

When you intersect OML and Inspire some intersected geometries are not actual own buildings but some debris, resulting from heavy generalization.

It makes them useless for noting topology and can confuse some contributors.


matkoniecz commented 1 year ago

Potential problem: updating dataset in future can be really complicated.

OML can change how their generalization works (I assume that they generalize Master Map)

matkoniecz commented 1 year ago

Method works for creating approximate building polygon at correct polygon, to create filing cabinet to allow data to be collected.

It does not provide accurate information on form and dimension of a building.

matkoniecz commented 1 year ago

This intersection works on assumption that single plot will have single building, multiple buildings will be merged into one. Except cases when they are separated in OML.


polly64 commented 1 year ago

@matkoniecz Colouring Loughborough first stage On staging

matkoniecz commented 9 months ago


one more failure mode: on edge of bounding box of intersected area some building geometries are cut (additional processing can be used to skip them)

matkoniecz commented 9 months ago

Example of problematic Bing (red lines) compared to Master Map.

Leopold Street in Lboro screen07

matkoniecz commented 9 months ago

Derby Road - Weldon Road area (purple: building detected by Bing):

seen in,msBuildings&disable_features=boundaries&id=n9762848756&map=20.48/52.78456/-1.23005



matkoniecz commented 7 months ago

another failure in INSPIRE/OS Map Local intersection: sometimes buildings are split into multiple parts, if single building is on multiple INSPIRE parcels. See


matkoniecz commented 7 months ago

Also, has now test in Leicester area (LE3 0LT as an example postcode within the test area)

matkoniecz commented 7 months ago

and here is another example of bad data, but one that can be solved and was solved

1) some buildings/building complexes are in OS Map Local but outside any INSPIRE parcels - happens mostly with schools, churches, universities and other public buildings

2) it is possible to substract INSPIRE from OSML, leaving only OSML outside INSPIRE parcels

but this leaves slivers of OSML geometries just outside INSPIRE parcels due to lower accuracy. These need to be filtered out - splitting multipolygons into polygons and filtering by area seems to work.

bad data - slivers - filtered out

polly64 commented 7 months ago

@matkoniecz thanks v much could you add all your email notes sent to me here so we have all the info on this issues in one place as makes much easier to write up which we will def want to do together

polly64 commented 7 months ago

shall I ask around re an annotation tool - my historical maps and Computer vision colleagues know about these - or do you know any open software?

matkoniecz commented 7 months ago

screen01 Additional area added on staging, as requested.

matkoniecz commented 7 months ago

thanks v much could you add all your email notes sent to me here so we have all the info on this issues in one place as makes much easier to write up which we will def want to do together

I published on staging test of INSPIRE/Open Map Local intersection, for now in Leicester. See

See LE3 0LT as an example postcode within the test area.

Note that this is test data. Along borders quality may be noticeably worse due to some imperfections of the current process.

What can be done:

examples of taken steps:

what is missing

MKIM1008 commented 7 months ago

@matkoniecz OSMM and Inspire merge is not properly georeferencing and it should be OK because they are both OS products. image

Missing buildings appeared to be mainly garages. image

Some grouping of polygons so that detached buildings quite often look like they are semi-detached buildings or possibly terraced. This means unlikely you could extract accurate adjacency from this ie. whether it is detached, semi-detached or terraced. image image

Double lines on the map image

Extra small rectangular polygons have been added. These are double garages and what's happened is that the polygons look the same size as the houses around these garages. You think they are houses, not garages. image

Some garages look attached to the buildings but they aren't. image

MKIM1008 commented 7 months ago

@matkoniecz to check missing OSOML detached building and other buildings in Atherstone Road image

matkoniecz commented 7 months ago


matkoniecz commented 7 months ago

This missing building seem to be outside INSPIRE parcels, apparently I was too aggressive in filtering slivers.

Possibly taking area AND length into account will work better than filtering by area. Real buildings will not be thin and long like slivers so will have higher ratio of area/length of border.


matkoniecz commented 6 months ago

TODO: resolve why intersection gives bogus triangle object in Cambridge in region of Alpha Road. In soon to be published test it was removed manually.


(plan to reproduce with smaller dataset, then start asking more knowledgeable people what happened there - maybe with smaller dataset I will figure it out myself...)

polly64 commented 6 months ago

@matkoniecz thanks, when do you thing we should expect to start adding for Cambridge and Charnwood on staging? this week/ or early next?

matkoniecz commented 6 months ago

today I hope

matkoniecz commented 6 months ago

fixed this specific one by substracting layers in a different way

matkoniecz commented 6 months ago


Note fake yellowish building on King Street (bottom of image, between two gray areas).

Note real buildings recovered by the same process on Jesus Lane, currently these are not distinguishable. So either both will appear or both will be out (number of rescued buildings is much greater than of fake ones, so this process makes sense)

matkoniecz commented 6 months ago

@polly64 Cambridge is on staging

matkoniecz commented 5 months ago

Birmingham was added some time ago.

polly64 commented 5 months ago

@matkoniecz great can we add to live