colouring-cities / colouring-dresden

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data sources for external maps, map services, vector overlays, ... #16

Open traveller195 opened 1 year ago

traveller195 commented 1 year ago

to provide a better base of data and to support collection data by the citizen scientists, it would be nice to include more base maps or vector overlays in the map of the 'colouring dresden' platform.

This could be (OGC-compliant) WMS, WMTS, WFS, local available raster or vector datasets... etc.

so, here could be posted ideas for relevant services or datasets. Main topics are:

the spatial extent is the city of Dresden (Germany) (compare aims of colouring dresden project)

traveller195 commented 1 year ago

Open Governman Data

GeoMIS Sachsen

Open Data Dresden

Services from HTW Dresden (e.g. Berliner Meilenblätter) Berliner Meilenblätter Sachsen (WMS)

traveller195 commented 1 year ago

data sources, which could - perhaps - offer maps for Saxony or Dresden:

aerial imagery:

traveller195 commented 1 year ago

as the first base map, OpenStreetMap was added see

traveller195 commented 1 year ago

adapt layer switcher (for vector layer in /public/geometries or for services) here


traveller195 commented 1 year ago

different options how to include external map layers by using react-leaflet

option A - GeoJSON from internal directory <GeoJSON> --> loading data via the API from public/geometries with apiGet('/geometries/boroughs.geojson')

option B - TileLayer (XYZ-Layer) from internal tile server via API (maybe allow it for API in helpers e.g.)

url={getTileLayerUrl('highlight', {highlight: `${selectedBuildingId}`, base: baseTileset})}
import { TileLayer } from 'react-leaflet';
import { getTileLayerUrl } from './get-tile-layer-url';

option C - TileLayer (XYZ-Layer) from external tile server via URL url="{z}/{x}/{y}.png" (care about API Key)

option D - WMSTileLayer (loading WMS without Tiles) from external WMS via URL

layers="layername of service"
traveller195 commented 1 year ago

Schadensplan der Stadt Dresden. Bearbeitet 1945/1946 vom Stadtbauamt Dresden

showing Dresden after WWII and its demolition of the buildings