colszowka / phantomjs-gem

Phantomjs via Rubygems: Auto-install phantomjs on demand for current platform. Comes with poltergeist integration.
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Point to version 2.0.0 of phantomjs #53

Closed tmcgilchrist closed 8 years ago

tmcgilchrist commented 9 years ago

Not sure what's the deal with the windows version. I don't have access to anything running windows so debugging is going to be difficult.

chuckd commented 9 years ago

@tmcgilchrist I took a quick look inside and it seems they moved phantomjs.exe into the bin folder, as per other platforms. Adding 'bin' to the path at line 152 of platform.rb should fix it:

File.expand_path File.join(Phantomjs.base_dir, platform, 'bin', 'phantomjs.exe')

then updating platform_spec.rb at line 166:

Phantomjs.path.should =~ /win32\/bin\/phantomjs.exe$/

I too lack access to a Windows installation with working Ruby, so haven't tested this...

(I can submit as a separate PR if you like but seems easier to update this one)

meghan-mcqueeney commented 9 years ago

I'd love to see this pull go through. We've been seeing issues with older versions of PhantomJS that we believe 2.0 could resolve. Any update on this?

metaskills commented 7 years ago

Can we re-open any version that pulls in the latest 2.0? We are stuck on that version.