coltonw / sensors-are-down

:alien: Alexa game involving space combat using some simple card game mechanics
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Add factions #24

Closed coltonw closed 7 years ago

coltonw commented 7 years ago

I love the idea of these 4 warring factions: Zombie robots Clean well-polished robots Alien Plant Monsters Boring Humans (think Halo universe or Space Marines from Warhammer 40000 or Terran from Starcraft or every other space army)

Factions are basically entirely up in the air and largely it doesn't matter what the factions are because there is no art for this game, so it is all in the mind's eye anyways. What this issue entails is adding factions in some sort of gameplay impacting way, whether it be basic synergies or cards exclusive to one faction and you pick a faction before the game starts or whatever, I think factions are fun for games.

coltonw commented 7 years ago

This is essentially done by #30