If you import the whole list into pihole, sites like google or youtube will be blocked. Pihole seems to blacklist any url in the file, instead of redirecting to the specified ip.
I suggest spliting this lines (v.gr. google.com) into another file so that users don't have to deal with whitelisting this ips on pihole.
Also, users might want to whitelist mainsteam sites like reddit or facebook. Not many text editors can edit a 90mb file, let alone a 350mb one. So, I suggest splitting those lines into a separate file also.
I'm using the list with pihole.
If you import the whole list into pihole, sites like google or youtube will be blocked. Pihole seems to blacklist any url in the file, instead of redirecting to the specified ip.
I suggest spliting this lines (v.gr. google.com) into another file so that users don't have to deal with whitelisting this ips on pihole.
Also, users might want to whitelist mainsteam sites like reddit or facebook. Not many text editors can edit a 90mb file, let alone a 350mb one. So, I suggest splitting those lines into a separate file also.