colymba / GridFieldBulkEditingTools

SilverStripe GridField Components set for bulk upload and bulk record edit, unlink & delete :package::boom:
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Upload order #96

Closed bueckl closed 6 years ago

bueckl commented 9 years ago

Hi there, can somebody give me a hint on how to control the file upload order using GridFieldBulkUpload?

Once I've chosen some files they get uploaded in random order (On my staging server). I've tried different configs and settings but no luck.

On my local machine everything works as expected. Files are uploading one after another.

$folder = 'foo';
$config = GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::create(50);
$config->addComponent($Bulk = new GridFieldBulkUpload('Image'));
$config->addComponent($Bulkmanager = new GridFieldBulkManager());
$config->addComponent(new GridFieldGalleryTheme('Image') );
$config->addComponent( $sr = new GridFieldSortableRows('SortOrder') );

$Bulk->setConfig('folderName', $folder);
$Bulk->setConfig('sequentialUploads', true);

$GridField = new GridField('ImmoImages', 'ImmoImage', $obj->SortedImages(), $config);



colymba commented 9 years ago

like you have sequentialUploads should do it. Anything different between your local machine and your server? PHP version? PHP Modules? Config?

bueckl commented 9 years ago

Phew. Solved it. Here's what happened. Composer update installed from cache and didn't fetch the same revision on my local machine as it did on my staging server …

Sorry to bother you. Thanks

bueckl commented 9 years ago

Hi again … this is driving me mad.

I thought I had solved it, but "nada", "rien".

The sequentialUploads setting keeps getting ignored. Regarding my server setup: The machine which ignores sequential uploads is running Apache 2.4. My local server is running Apache 2.2 and all seems fine. I'm using the same PHP Version on both (5.5)

$folder = $obj->getCalcAssetsFolderDirectory();
    $config = GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::create(50);
    $config->addComponent($Bulk = new GridFieldBulkUpload('Image'));
    $Bulk->setConfig('folderName', $folder);
    $Bulk->setUfConfig('sequentialUploads', true);

    $config->addComponent(new GridFieldBulkManager());
    $config->addComponent(new GridFieldGalleryTheme('Image') );
    $config->addComponent( $sr = new GridFieldSortableRows('SortOrder') );
    $GridField = new GridField('ImmoImages', 'ImmoImage', $obj->SortedImages(), $config);

colymba commented 9 years ago

Which version of the module are you using? In your code you had once $Bulk->setConfig('sequentialUploads', true); and another time $Bulk->setUfConfig('sequentialUploads', true); and those refer to different module version.

colymba commented 9 years ago

If unsure, get the latest master branch and try writing the config like in the doc example here:

bueckl commented 9 years ago

Hi Colymba, I'm using 2.1.1 now … so setUfConfig should be correct …

colymba commented 9 years ago

Yes, make sure to use ->setUfSetup('setFolderName', 'myFolder') for the folder name.

In any case, not sure why sequential upload would work on a server and not another. Might have to test sequential upload with a normal UploadField, and see if the same happens?

Maybe you can try limiting the concurrent upload instead:

So replace: $Bulk->setUfConfig('sequentialUploads', true); with $Bulk->setUfConfig('limitConcurrentUploads', 1);

bueckl commented 9 years ago

I've bee fiddling a lot with all the config stuff but the only way for me to make sequentialUploads work is to roll back to the 1.6.0 tag. All newer versions break the expected behaviour.

colymba commented 9 years ago

Just tested sequentialUploads on the latest master branch with $c->getComponentByType('GridFieldBulkUpload')->setUfConfig('sequentialUploads', true); and it works as expected.

When using sequential upload do you actually see each upload going through 1 by 1? What's wrong with the upload order you are seeing?

bueckl commented 9 years ago

No, i don't see the uploads going through 1 by one. Instead it's like 1-5-4-2-3. I can't see any pattern. It's always different. The order the files get uploaded is exactly the order the get written to the db once I press "finish" …

Did you test on a remote server or locally?

colymba commented 9 years ago

My tests are on a virtual machine that match my remote server as close as possible.

Could you check that the config is actually passed to the field front-end as JSON? Can you inspect the "From your computer" upload button and paste here the data-config attribute.

Also, which CMS/Framework version are you using? Any other gridfield component used?

bueckl commented 9 years ago
<input id="Form_ItemEditForm_Image" name="Image[Uploads][]" class="upload ss-upload ss-uploadfield nolabel ss-uploadfield-fromcomputer-fileinput" data-config="{&quot;url&quot;:&quot;admin\/migimmobilien\/Immobilie\/EditForm\/field\/Immobilie\/item\/109\/ItemEditForm\/field\/ImmoImages\/bulkupload\/upload?locale=de_DE&quot;,&quot;urlSelectDialog&quot;:&quot;admin\/migimmobilien\/Immobilie\/EditForm\/field\/Immobilie\/item\/109\/ItemEditForm\/field\/ImmoImages\/bulkupload\/select?locale=de_DE&quot;,&quot;urlAttach&quot;:&quot;admin\/migimmobilien\/Immobilie\/EditForm\/field\/Immobilie\/item\/109\/ItemEditForm\/field\/ImmoImages\/bulkupload\/attach?locale=de_DE&quot;,&quot;urlFileExists&quot;:&quot;admin\/migimmobilien\/Immobilie\/EditForm\/field\/Immobilie\/item\/109\/ItemEditForm\/field\/ImmoImages\/bulkupload\/fileexists?locale=de_DE&quot;,&quot;acceptFileTypes&quot;:&quot;(\\.|\\\/)(ace|arc|arj|asf|au|avi|bmp|bz2|cab|cda|css|csv|dmg|doc|docx|flv|gif|gpx|gz|hqx|htm|html|ico|jar|jpeg|jpg|js|kml|m4a|m4v|mid|midi|mkv|mov|mp3|mp4|mpa|mpeg|mpg|ogg|ogv|pages|pcx|pdf|pkg|png|pps|ppt|pptx|ra|ram|rm|rtf|sit|sitx|swf|tar|tgz|tif|tiff|txt|wav|webm|wma|wmv|xhtml|xls|xlsx|xml|zip|zipx)$&quot;,&quot;maxNumberOfFiles&quot;:null,&quot;errorMessages&quot;:{&quot;acceptFileTypes&quot;:&quot;Dateityp ist nicht erlaubt&quot;,&quot;maxFileSize&quot;:&quot;Dateigr\u00f6\u00dfe \u00fcbersteigt 200 MB&quot;,&quot;overwriteWarning&quot;:&quot;Eine Datei mit dem selben Namen existiert bereits&quot;},&quot;maxFileSize&quot;:209715200,&quot;autoUpload&quot;:true,&quot;allowedMaxFileNumber&quot;:null,&quot;canUpload&quot;:true,&quot;canAttachExisting&quot;:true,&quot;canPreviewFolder&quot;:true,&quot;changeDetection&quot;:false,&quot;previewMaxWidth&quot;:20,&quot;previewMaxHeight&quot;:20,&quot;uploadTemplateName&quot;:&quot;ss-uploadfield-uploadtemplate&quot;,&quot;downloadTemplateName&quot;:&quot;colymba-bulkuploaddownloadtemplate&quot;,&quot;overwriteWarning&quot;:true,&quot;sequentialUploads&quot;:true}" type="file" multiple="multiple">

    "require": {
    "php": ">=5.3.2",
    "silverstripe/cms": "3.1.9",
    "silverstripe/framework": "3.1.9",
    "silverstripe/bootstrap-forms": "1.0.1",
    "fullscreeninteractive/silverstripe-postmarkmailer": "*",
    "micmania1/silverstripe-blog": "dev-master",
    "silverstripe/widgets": "dev-master",
    "egeloen/google-map": "1.4.0",
    "heyday/silverstripe-cacheinclude": "dev-master",
    "colymba/gridfield-bulk-editing-tools": "*",
    "colymba/gridfield-gallery-theme": "1.0.1",
    "axllent/silverstripe-gridfield-paginator-header": "*",
    "unclecheese/betterbuttons": "1.2.6",
    "undefinedoffset/sortablegridfield": "0.4.1"

Thanks colymba!!!

colymba commented 9 years ago

At a first look, the config is indeed passed on, so only thing I can think of is some other component messing things up... Maybe..

bueckl commented 9 years ago

Ok, i set up a fresh install on my local machine and deployed to my remote test server:

    "require": {
    "php": ">=5.3.2",
    "silverstripe/cms": "3.1.9",
    "silverstripe/framework": "3.1.9",
    "silverstripe-themes/simple": "*",
    "colymba/gridfield-bulk-editing-tools": "*",
    "colymba/gridfield-gallery-theme": "1.0.1",
    "undefinedoffset/sortablegridfield": "0.4.1"

Here's is my Model:

class ImmoImage extends DataObject {

private static $db = array(
    'Title' => 'Varchar(100)',
    'Title__en_US' => 'Varchar(100)',
    'Title__es_ES' => 'Varchar(100)',
    // 'Description' => 'Varchar(255)',
    "SortOrder" => "Int"

private static $has_one = array(
    'Image' => 'Image',
    "Page" => "Page"

private static $default_sort = "SortOrder";

And the page:

public function getCMSFields() {

    $fields = parent::getCMSFields();

    $config = GridFieldConfig_RelationEditor::create(50);
    $config->addComponent($uf = new GridFieldBulkUpload('Image'));
    $config->addComponent(new GridFieldBulkManager());
    $config->addComponent(new GridFieldSortableRows('SortOrder'));
    $config->addComponent(new GridFieldGalleryTheme('Image'));

    $uf->setUfSetup('setFolderName', 'ImmoImages');
    $uf->setUfConfig('sequentialUploads', true);


    $GridField = new GridField('ImmoImages', 'ImmoImage', $this->ImmoImages()->sort('SortOrder'), $config);


        "Root.ImageTest", array(

    return $fields;


Result: Sequential file uploads are not working on my remote server. captura de pantalla 2015-01-23 22 38 41

bueckl commented 9 years ago

I removed more components

"require": {
    "php": ">=5.3.2",
    "silverstripe/cms": "3.1.9",
    "silverstripe/framework": "3.1.9",
    "colymba/gridfield-bulk-editing-tools": "*"

still no luck

colymba commented 9 years ago

Out of curiosity which browser are you using? Came across this which apparently sequential upload might be a Firefox/safari issue.

Am always using chrome, so that could explain it....

bueckl commented 9 years ago

Yeah, me too. I'm using chrome, but checked in Safari and FF as well …

bueckl commented 9 years ago

Me again ;)

This seems to be a network/speed related problem. I can reproduce the error easily by doing the following:

In Chrome: Open the inspector and click the "toggle device mode" icons as you do for mobile testing. Now choose "Generic Notebook" as the device. Then set "Network" to 3G.

When you start uploading files, you'll see, they don't get processed one-by-one. Now switch back to "No throttling" and you will see, how th files get uploaded one-by-one again.

The files I'm using have 2MB - 3MB each.

Another observation I made is, that if you do upload very small files (like 20K). The Upload order always works fine.

bueckl commented 9 years ago

I narrowed it down to the _onSend method within UploadField.js which calls the fileexists method … When setting "overwriteWarning" to false instead of true al works fine.

sb-relaxt-at commented 9 years ago

I can confirm that this issue still exists. A temporary "solution" is to disable the overwrite warning (as @bueckl already stated):

$gridFieldBulkUploadField->setUfConfig('overwriteWarning', false);

Would be nice to have a solution that maintains order and gives overwrite warnings, but this might be tricky to implement. Apart from that - thanks for this great plugin :-).

colymba commented 9 years ago

Thanks @sb-relaxt-at. I've market this has upstream since it is definitely related to either SS implementation or a bug on the JS plugin.

Leaving this open (at least for now) for anyone else running into this.

colymba commented 6 years ago

Not sure upload order can be set in the latest version of uploadfield... so I'll be closing this.

purplespider commented 6 years ago

Whoa, I've been using the sequentialUploads and overwriteWarning UfConfig options in SilverStripe 3 to fix this for some time now. But I've noticed that we appear to be back to square one with SilverStripe 4.

With SS 4, this module seems to add uploads in an odd order, almost reversed, but with the first and last the wrong way around?

Yet, in @bummzack's sortablefile module it appears to keep the order, based on filename.

I'd appreciate some attention to resolving this, as it's a pretty annoying issue if an image gallery can't maintain image order upon upload.

purplespider commented 6 years ago

Apologies, I'd started using @symbiote's GridFieldOrderableRows instead of GridFieldSortableRows and it seems that GridFieldSortableRows isn't applying the SortOrder upon page Publish, so they're all left as 0, resulting in a random order.

After reverting to GridFieldOrderableRows, the SortOrder for each item is set upon hitting Publish and all the images seem to then be in the correct order.

colymba commented 6 years ago

@purplespider sorry I didn't reply earlier.... all the sequentialUploads are UploadField specific and this module just act as a kind of proxy to the UploadField. And am pretty sure sequentialUploads doesn't exit anymore...

but like you found ( this is an UploadField thing...

RoyalPulp commented 2 years ago

But -> sequentialUploads is still in the documentation of BulkUploadField!! This should be changed, if the Option (the function setUfConfig) does't exist anymore

I just need this feature desperately ... does anybody know any solution?? Thanks!! Hendrik