colynb / gulp-html-prettify

HTML Prettify Plugin for Gulp
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change html dependency to download through https, instead of ssh #7

Open rajashekar2014 opened 6 years ago

rajashekar2014 commented 6 years ago

Package Json: "html": "git://".

This is causing UI build failure on jenkins slave, where ssh external access is restricted.

matteobucci commented 6 years ago

I'm having the same issue with travis. Is there any workaround?

matejsp commented 4 years ago

Any update on this issue?

revelt commented 4 years ago

@colynb please amend, it's a tiny quick update

cniesen commented 2 years ago

This issue and urgency has become a bit bigger as GitHub is retiring the git:// protocol.

revelt commented 2 years ago

I forgot this issue still exists, I've just checked, I'm not using this package any more. For posterity, if you look for well-maintained alternatives, it depends what you want to prettify. Industry standard is prettier, so if your HTML is pure and doesn't break prettier's parsers, that's the solid way. To use prettier (any arbitrary string-in string-out function), use gulp-tap, I have posted examples for email-comb how it can be done. If we go further, if HTML is not pure, the only tool I know (and use) is manual, the tabifier — that website just keeps on giving, I've been using it for like 10 years. tabifier's algorithm is really solid. Having said that, the challenge exists the opposite way, to minify (or rather prepare for production), for which again, it depends what you're minifying: if it's a web page with pure HTML, Kangax minifier is industry-standard; if it's an email template, especially HTML mixed with templating tags, check out email-comb from your's truly. Takeaway: you might not need this package at all.