Open endel opened 4 years ago
Not really sure where to put this - @eeveeboo has made a script to make HTTP/Websockets work on Android here:
If anyone is having trouble targetting Android this can be helpful:
Keywords: android manifest, android build, oculus sdk
// Uncomment to enable additional AndroidManifest Capabilitity Routines #define ANDROID_APPLICATION_USES_CLEARTEXT_TRAFFIC //#define ANDROID_APPLICATION_SKIPS_PERMISSIONS_DIALOG //#define ANDROID_APPLICATION_USES_MICROPHONE //#define ANDROID_APPLICATION_USES_QUEST_HAND_TRACKING //#define ANDROID_APPLICATION_USES_QUEST_HAND_TRACKING_ONLY //#define ANDROID_APPLICATION_USES_HARDWARE_ACCELERATION #if UNITY_ANDROID using System.IO; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using UnityEditor.Android; public class ModifyUnityAndroidAppManifestSample : IPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject { public void OnPostGenerateGradleAndroidProject(string basePath) { // If needed, add condition checks on whether you need to run the modification routine. // For example, specific configuration/app options enabled var androidManifest = new AndroidManifest(GetManifestPath(basePath)); #if ANDROID_APPLICATION_USES_CLEARTEXT_TRAFFIC androidManifest.SetUsesCleartextTraffic(); #endif #if ANDROID_APPLICATION_SKIPS_PERMISSIONS_DIALOG androidManifest.SetSkipPermissionsDialog(); #endif #if ANDROID_APPLICATION_USES_MICROPHONE androidManifest.SetMicrophonePermission(); #endif #if ANDROID_APPLICATION_USES_HARDWARE_ACCELERATION androidManifest.SetHardwareAcceleration(); #endif androidManifest.Save(); } public int callbackOrder { get { return 1; } } private string _manifestFilePath; private string GetManifestPath(string basePath) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_manifestFilePath)) { var pathBuilder = new StringBuilder(basePath); pathBuilder.Append(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Append("src"); pathBuilder.Append(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Append("main"); pathBuilder.Append(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Append("AndroidManifest.xml"); _manifestFilePath = pathBuilder.ToString(); } return _manifestFilePath; } } internal class AndroidXmlDocument : XmlDocument { private string m_Path; protected XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr; public readonly string AndroidXmlNamespace = ""; public AndroidXmlDocument(string path) { m_Path = path; using (var reader = new XmlTextReader(m_Path)) { reader.Read(); Load(reader); } nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(NameTable); nsMgr.AddNamespace("android", AndroidXmlNamespace); } public string Save() { return SaveAs(m_Path); } public string SaveAs(string path) { using (var writer = new XmlTextWriter(path, new UTF8Encoding(false))) { writer.Formatting = Formatting.Indented; Save(writer); } return path; } } internal class AndroidManifest : AndroidXmlDocument { private readonly XmlElement ApplicationElement; public AndroidManifest(string path) : base(path) { ApplicationElement = SelectSingleNode("/manifest/application") as XmlElement; AddOrRemoveTag( "/manifest", "application", null, true, false , "label", "@string/app_name" #if UNITY_2018_2_OR_NEWER , "icon", "@mipmap/app_icon" #else , "icon", "@drawable/app_icon", #endif ); } private XmlAttribute CreateAndroidAttribute(string key, string value) { XmlAttribute attr = CreateAttribute("android", key, AndroidXmlNamespace); attr.Value = value; return attr; } internal XmlNode GetActivityWithLaunchIntent() { return SelectSingleNode("/manifest/application/activity[intent-filter/action/@android:name='android.intent.action.MAIN' and " + "intent-filter/category/@android:name='android.intent.category.LAUNCHER']", nsMgr); } internal void SetApplicationTheme(string appTheme) { ApplicationElement.Attributes.Append(CreateAndroidAttribute("theme", appTheme)); } internal void SetStartingActivityName(string activityName) { GetActivityWithLaunchIntent().Attributes.Append(CreateAndroidAttribute("name", activityName)); } internal void SetHardwareAcceleration() { GetActivityWithLaunchIntent().Attributes.Append(CreateAndroidAttribute("hardwareAccelerated", "true")); } internal void SetMicrophonePermission() { AddOrRemoveTag( "/manifest", "uses-permission", "android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO", true, true ); } internal void SetSkipPermissionsDialog() { AddOrRemoveTag( "/manifest/application", "meta-data", "unityplayer.SkipPermissionsDialog", true, true, "value", "true" ); } internal void SetUsesCleartextTraffic() { AddOrRemoveTag( "/manifest", "application", null, true, false, "usesCleartextTraffic", "true" ); } internal void SetUsesQuestHandTracking() { AddOrRemoveTag( "/manifest/application", "meta-data", "", true, true, "value", "vr_only" ); AddOrRemoveTag( "/manifest", "uses-feature", "", true, true #if ANDROID_APPLICATION_USES_QUEST_HAND_TRACKING_ONLY , "required", "true" #endif ); AddOrRemoveTag( "/manifest", "uses-permission", "oculus.permission.handtracking", true, true ); } /// <summary> /// Adds, Removes or Modifies XML Infomation /// </summary> /// <param name="path">XML Parent Element Path</param> /// <param name="elementName">XML Child Element Name</param> /// <param name="name">android:name="[name]"</param> /// <param name="addOrRemove">Add or remove the element; true for add, false for remove</param> /// <param name="modifyAttributesIfFound">Override element attributes if they already exsist?</param> /// <param name="attrs">android:"[key]", "[value]" string attribute keypairs</param> internal void AddOrRemoveTag(string path, string elementName, string name, bool addOrRemove, bool modifyAttributesIfFound, params string[] attrs) // name, value pairs { var nodes = SelectNodes(path + "/" + elementName); XmlElement element = null; foreach (XmlElement e in nodes) { if (name == null || name == e.GetAttribute("name", AndroidXmlNamespace)) { element = e; break; } } if (addOrRemove) { if (element == null) { var parent = SelectSingleNode(path); element = CreateElement(elementName); element.SetAttribute("name", AndroidXmlNamespace, name); parent.AppendChild(element); } for (int i = 0; i < attrs.Length; i += 2) { if (modifyAttributesIfFound || string.IsNullOrEmpty(element.GetAttribute(attrs[i], AndroidXmlNamespace))) { if (attrs[i + 1] != null) { element.SetAttribute(attrs[i], AndroidXmlNamespace, attrs[i + 1]); } else { element.RemoveAttribute(attrs[i], AndroidXmlNamespace); } } } } else { if (element != null && modifyAttributesIfFound) { element.ParentNode.RemoveChild(element); } } } } #endif
Not really sure where to put this - @eeveeboo has made a script to make HTTP/Websockets work on Android here:
If anyone is having trouble targetting Android this can be helpful:
Keywords: android manifest, android build, oculus sdk