Open hung365dev opened 2 years ago
I am able to get the ServerError thrown from my colyseus backend. I am using UniTask as i want to build game for Webgl and Try-Catch do not work for webgl, now I can use Try-Catch on webgl too. Below is my sample code for both server and client side, to throw and to receive error.
public async UniTaskVoid CreateRoom(Action success, Action<string> fail)
room = await client.Create<dynamic>(KEY_ROOMNAME, options).AsUniTask();
reconnection_data = room.ReconnectionToken;
catch (Exception exception)
async onAuth(client: Client, options: any) {
await super.onAuth(client, options);
throw new ServerError(401, "You don't have permission to join this room");
Hi @deveshbeniwal, what would be the advantage of using .AsUniTask()
/ UniTaskVoid
here? Honest question, I never used UniTask and I'm not sure of its advantages over the built-in types.
Does it work without using UniTask? Cheers
@endel Unitask is a customized package to use Tasks, Async-Await in a better way. I used UniTask here because i wanted to use async code with webgl builds, Webgl build do not support async programming and Try-Catch block too( usually it will throw an error at if we use try catch on webgl build from unity ). Unitask helped me to use async programming and to use try catch in webgl build too as it internally work on unity main thread.
here is i am running this task as unitask which will work on main thread. UniTaskVoid
is just like a async method with Task return type. I am focused towards webgl build so mostly use UniTask so that i can archive async programming on unity's main thread.
Apart from that UniTask
is not the focus of my point. I just copy/pasted the code, LOL. My focus is that i am receiving errors thrown from server in try-catch block sucessfully.
I think there is problem with
onAuth(client: Client, options: any, request?: IncomingMessage)
on the server side. When you return false or throw an exception in theonAuth
method, on the Unity client side, at the first time, It will throw an exception, but when you join or create room one more time, It will not throw any exceptions. It only throw aWebsocket closed! Code:4002
, not an exception.Server side:
Unity client side:
Reproduce: 1: Client A create a room with a password. 2: Client B join to that room with a wrong password. 3: Client B have an onAuth exception => This is OK at the first time 4: Client B join to that room with a wrong password again. 5: Client B did not receive any exceptions again.
This is not only JoinById method, other methods like JoinOrCreate, Create.... also have this bug.