com-lihaoyi / mill

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Not so TASTy to 0.11.8? #3231

Closed swaldman closed 1 week ago

swaldman commented 1 week ago


My set-up is unusual and inherently fragile, so this is perhaps not a high priority issue. But I thought I'd let you know, for what it's worth!

I have a very simple mill plugin that calls into a Scala 3 library, which is now compiled as Scala 3.3.3.

I have as meta build mill-build/

import mill._, scalalib._

object millbuild extends MillBuildRootModule {
  def scalacOptions = T {
    super.scalacOptions() ++ Seq("-Ytasty-reader")

and under 0.11.7 (and some earlier versions) the setup has worked fine.

Under 0.11.8, I get...

[] [42/50] compile 
[info] compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/swaldman/Documents/BaseFolders/development/gitproj/ ...
[error] error while loading Customizer, class file '/Users/swaldman/Library/Caches/Coursier/v1/https/' is broken
[error] (class signature has wrong version.
[error]  expected: {majorVersion: 28, minorVersion: 2}
[error]  found   : {majorVersion: 28, minorVersion: 3}
[error] This TASTy file was produced by a more recent, forwards incompatible release.
[error] To read this TASTy file, please upgrade your tooling.
[error] The TASTy file was produced by Scala 3.3.3.)
[error] one error found
1 targets failed
compile Compilation failed

I find reasoning about TASTy compatibility a bit opaque.If 0.11.7 could hit Scala 3.3.3 compilations TASTy, I'm not quite sure why 0.11.8 would be limited to an earlier version.

Thanks for any help!

lefou commented 1 week ago

Can you show the runClasspaths of all the meta-builds (yours, level 1, and the built-in boostrap build, level 2) with Mill 0.11.7 and 0.11.8?


> mill --meta-level 1 show runClasspath
swaldman commented 1 week ago

Sure. Thanks!


% cat .mill-version 
% mill --meta-level 1 show runClasspath
Mill version 0.11.8 is different than configured for this directory!
Configured version is 0.11.7 (/Users/swaldman/Documents/BaseFolders/development/gitproj/
[] [1/1] show > [51/58] zincReportCachedProblems 
% mill --meta-level 2 show runClasspath
Mill version 0.11.8 is different than configured for this directory!
Configured version is 0.11.7 (/Users/swaldman/Documents/BaseFolders/development/gitproj/
[mill-build/] [1/1] show > [50/57] zincReportCachedProblems 


% mv .mill-version .off-mill-version
% mill --meta-level 1 show runClasspath
[mill-build/] [54/59] compile 
[info] compiling 1 Scala source to /Users/swaldman/Documents/BaseFolders/development/gitproj/ ...
[info] done compiling
[] [1/1] show > [51/58] zincReportCachedProblems 
% mill --meta-level 2 show runClasspath
[mill-build/] [1/1] show > [50/57] zincReportCachedProblems 

--meta-level 0 would just be my application's runClasspath right?

Anyway, for completeness...


% mv .off-mill-version .mill-version
% mill --meta-level 0 show runClasspath
Mill version 0.11.8 is different than configured for this directory!
Configured version is 0.11.7 (/Users/swaldman/Documents/BaseFolders/development/gitproj/
[1/1] show > [49/52] compile 
[info] compiling 35 Scala sources to /Users/swaldman/Documents/BaseFolders/development/gitproj/ ...
[info] done compiling
[1/1] show > [52/52] runClasspath 


% mv .mill-version .off-mill-version
% mill --meta-level 0 show runClasspath
[1/1] show > [45/52] zincReportCachedProblems 

Thanks again!

lefou commented 1 week ago

I can't see any suspicious here. I though, maybe changed something but I couldn't confirm. Is your repo public or do you have a reproducer I can fiddle with?

swaldman commented 1 week ago


I have wasted your time. I hope not a lot of it. I am very sorry. I ought to have attempted to set up a reproduction for you before reporting the issue. Perhaps I'd have figured it out.

The issue appeared not because of any defect in 0.11.8, but because when I thought I was running 0.11.8, I was in fact running 0.11.0! The repo contains an old wrapper script. I installed 0.11.8 system-wide on my machine, and thought

% mv .mill-version .off-mill-version

meant I was running 0.11.8. But in fact, I build though a script like


./mill -w runBackground serve --verbose

So, mv .mill-version .off-mill-version was reverting to the wrapper script version, not my system-wide installed version.


% cat > .mill-version

to upgrade worked fine.

The repo is public, but its HEAD depends upon some locally installed SNAPSHOT versions. To "reproduce", check out the most recent version dependent only on public releases...

$ git clone
$ cd
$ git checkout 2c7b5d2
$ rm .mill-version
$ ./

to fix

$ cat > .mill-version
$ rm -rf out
$ ./

I am very sorry once again for the time you've devoted to this!

lefou commented 1 week ago

@swaldman Don't worry. Glad you could fix your issue.