com-pas / compas-architecture

Project's architecture documentation
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Create demo Jekyll based on markdown files found in the CoMPAS repositories #186

Open Sander3003 opened 10 months ago

Sander3003 commented 10 months ago

Hypothesis; we believe that Jeckyll can publish all documentation at once on Github

Test; to verify that, we will make an Example Jeckyll

Metric; and measure if we can see all existing documentation in the current repositories

Criteria; we are right if: No documentation changes are needed Files are close to the code Easy to read Easy to navigate

Theme to use:

Acceptance criteria: Existing documentation Generate pages dynamically based on the MD files found in the repositories Convert into the Bulma theme

Spike: 8 hours (excluding sharing) + 4 hours sharing Outcome: example setup with the plug-ins / session to discuss the results

pascalwilbrink commented 10 months ago

After playing around with MKDocs, I believe that we can better make use of Jekyll (or Hugo, suggested by Tamas). Both do the same.

Hugo is faster to generate HTML pages, but this is not really worth it, since we only have a few pages. Jekyll offers plugins where we can extend the usage

Sander3003 commented 10 months ago

Jekyll: Pros: Widely used and allows plug-ins Cons: Slower build time

Hugo: Pro's: Fastest Con's: No plug-in

MKdocs: Pro's: Con's: No template generator

Sander3003 commented 6 months ago

Todo: Upload the script to get the markdown files.

Sander3003 commented 6 months ago

Tested here: