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Private needed to automatize the flow binding #33

Open jeanetiennelemaire opened 3 years ago

jeanetiennelemaire commented 3 years ago

This issue lists all the Private are required by COMPAS services to automatize the binding of dataflow.

Bay level extensions in SCD /SCL/IED/Private@type=COMPAS-Bay/COMPAS:Bay@Label (String) (Physical link of Bay and IED) /SCL/IED/Private@type=COMPAS-Bay/COMPAS:Bay@UUID (UUID) (ID of the bay) /SCL/IED/Private@type=COMPAS-Bay/COMPAS:Bay@Indice (Integer) (manage version) /SCL/IED/Private@type=COMPAS-Bay/COMPAS:Bay@Codif (String) (to identify the functional bay inside the substation; codification is defined by each TSO; should be unique within the substation) /SCL/IED/Private@type=COMPAS-Bay/COMPAS:Bay@SystemVersion (String) (to identify the functional bay SystemVersion inside the substation; not unique; identify the unique set of ICD which has been integrated inside the bay version) /SCL/IED/Private@type=COMPAS-Bay/COMPAS:Bay@NumBay (Integer) (manage the number of the bay inside the Substation; unique inside the substation) /SCL/IED/Private@type=COMPAS-Bay/COMPAS:Bay@NumBusBarSection (Integer) (define the number of the busbarsection inside the Substation to which the bay is connected; unique inside the substation)

SystemVersion level extensions in SCD /SCL/IED/Private@type=COMPAS-SystemVersion/COMPAS:Bay@MainSystemVersion (string) (identifies the system version common to all the bay within a Substation scope ; the version is freely defined by user and can follow the template XX.YY) /SCL/IED/Private@type=COMPAS-SystemVersion/COMPAS:Bay@MinorSystemVersion (string) (identifies the system version of a given bay ZZZ.WWW.VV ; the ZZZ refers to 3 digits number which defines an unique bay kind ; the WWW refers to 3 digits number and defines the content of the bay regarding the following attributes for each entry IEDtype (BCU, SCU, MU) AND VendorName AND redundancy mode (Nominal or Backup). For each given WWW, the VV digits define the association with the ICD for each IED.

IED redundancy in SCD /SCL/IED/Private@type=COMPAS-IEDredundancy (string) identifies if the IED is the redundant one or not (nominal ou backup)

Bay level extensions in SSD (reference file to automatize the binding) /SCL/Substation/VoltageLevel/Bay/COMPAS:Bay : same content as the SCD file but the attributes @UUID, @Indice, @Label, @NumBay and @NumSection are missing

Flow source indentification inside a Function object /SCL/Substation/VoltageLevel/Bay/Function/LNode/eIEC61850-6-100:LNodeInputs/scl:Private @type=COMPAS-Flow/COMPAS:Flow@Kind (ENUM : SUBSTATION_INTERNAL ; VL_INTERNAL (VL = voltage level) ; BAY_INTERNAL) /SCL/IED/AccessPoint/Server/LDevice/LN0/DOI/Private@type=COMPAS-Flow/COMPAS:Flow@dataStreamKey (UUID) has to match to the /SCL/Substation/VoltageLevel/Bay/Function/LNode/eIEC61850-6-100:LNodeInputs/eIEC61850-6-100:SourceRef/@input attribute =>This Private should be integrated inside the eIEC61850-6-100:SourceRef node as the eIEC61850-6-100 doesn't allow the usage of Private.

DO and DA identification inside a source LNode /SCL/Substation/VoltageLevel/Bay/Function/LNode/eIEC61850-6-100:DOS@name /SCL/Substation/VoltageLevel/Bay/Function/LNode/eIEC61850-6-100:DOS/eIEC61850-6-100:DAS@name

Flow target identification inside a Function object /SCL/Substation/VoltageLevel/Bay/Function/LNode/eIEC61850-6-100:LNodeOutputs/eIEC61850-6-100:ControlRef @output has to match the @input of the inputs to which it's linked @source define the path of the source to which the output is linked

BAP Example

Sander3003 commented 3 years ago

Physical relation between IED and bay

Sander3003 commented 3 years ago

Sander3003 commented 3 years ago
  1. Is Codif an abbreviation?
  2. Is the idea that you want to convert the planned (CIM based) substation into an 61850 single line "diagram" and add these templates to it?

Suggestion Change NumSection into NumBusSection to make more clear that relates to Busbars .

jeanetiennelemaire commented 3 years ago
  1. Is Codif an abbreviation? => Yes it's significant ID ; that means that there is a unique bay for a given Codif inside a given substation; the meaning of the Codif has to be defined internally to each TSO
  2. Is the idea that you want to convert the planned (CIM based) substation into an 61850 single line "diagram" and add these templates to it? yes indeed, it's a possibility to add the single line diagram to this template thanks to the xmlns:sxy="" namespace but it's not in the scope of the automatic binding.

Suggestion Change NumSection into NumBusSection to make more clear that relates to Busbars . => OK for me