comakingspace / do-something

CoMakingSpace tasks and small projects
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Project photo signs #246

Closed LarsKumbier closed 2 years ago

LarsKumbier commented 3 years ago

On the last Plenum, we suggested to post more on our social media channels. To encourage members to take some pictures with their work, the idea of creating a few arrow signs with some funny comments came up - similar to the one from the RepairCafé:


The signs can be made from cardboard, out of wood or with the laser.

NitramLegov commented 3 years ago

If you want to do it with the laser: There is colored paper in the e-room which can be used with the laser. Feel free to take it :-)

NitramLegov commented 3 years ago

@beanobeano made a nice "Made @ CoMakingSpace" sign which he put on the project wall - it can be used for taking nice pictures of your projects.

Image from iOS (1)

NitramLegov commented 2 years ago

Today I also made a laser engraved version of such a sign. I would say this should be enough for people to take pictures with :-)
