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Juki industrial sewing machine repair #330

Open Titan-OX opened 2 days ago

Titan-OX commented 2 days ago

We now have a Juki DDL-5550-4

SC-120 controller Type D1CHCS servo drive/Electronics box

The machine won't turn on and shows no signs of power after being plugged in. (It just didn't show any signs of life one morning according to the previous owner). We suspect that something with the driver to be wrong. Hopefully we can just fix it but plan B is a new vdf motor controller.

What needs to be done

Titan-OX commented 2 days ago

2024-12-01-15-27-55-685 2024-12-01-15-27-48-983

2024-12-01-15-23-30-894 2024-12-01-15-23-28-727 2024-12-01-15-23-25-238 2024-12-01-15-13-58-828 2024-12-01-15-13-52-194 2024-12-01-15-09-56-755 2024-12-01-14-43-26-111 2024-12-01-14-42-21-625 2024-12-01-14-42-16-081 2024-12-01-14-36-29-389

U1is commented 1 day ago

Es gibt spezielles Industrienähmaschienen öl. Laut Juki soll "JUKI New Defrix Oil No.1" benutzt werden. Beispielsweise:

U1is commented 1 day ago

Ich hab mir sie mir am 02.12.2024 das erste mal angeschaut und versucht die offensichtlichsten Stellen zu überprüfen.

Eventuell können wir uns überlegen die Nähmaschiene mal ohne die Automatik zu testen