combatwombat / netbeep

Chrome and Firefox extension to play sounds on network requests, depending on request type and file size.
MIT License
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Feature request: Websocket support #3

Open Zetaphor opened 4 weeks ago

Zetaphor commented 4 weeks ago

First of all, thank you for making this. I've been running this full time for the past week and I'm really enjoying this augmentation to my browser experience. As someone who misses the sound of mechanical drives as a means of understanding what my computer is doing behind the GUI, this extension is greatly appreciated.

That said, it would be interesting to have an insight into Websocket connections. Would this be possible (on Firefox?). In addition to making a sound for an incoming or outgoing request, it would also be potentially interesting to have a consistent background hum to represent an open socket.

I'm interested in exploring the feasibility of this myself this weekend, but I figured I'd create an issue in case you already have some insight before I have the free time to explore this myself.

Zetaphor commented 4 weeks ago

Looking at this extension, it looks like the relevant API would be browser.runtime.onConnect

combatwombat commented 3 weeks ago

Makes sense. Websockets are part of the requests, so they should make a sound. Although websocket traffic is more continous I think. Maybe a smooth, non-annoying hum for an open connection and little blips in the hum every second for data sent and received... I'll play around with that. Thanks for the feedback :)