combogenomics / medusa

A draft genome scaffolder that uses multiple reference genomes in a graph-based approach.
GNU General Public License v3.0
42 stars 15 forks source link

Create a new release #36

Open loraine-gueguen opened 4 months ago

loraine-gueguen commented 4 months ago

Could you please create a new release (with .tar.gz archive), so that I can update the bioconda recipe ?

The recipe that is available now, throws the following error. This error has been fixed in the master branch (, but is not released.

  File "/shared/software/miniconda/envs/medusa-1.6/share/medusa-1.6-2/script//", line 6, in
    from cPickle import dump
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cPickle'
