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MLeap: Deploy ML Pipelines to Production
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Error running custom sql transformer on spring-boot #632

Closed femibyte closed 4 years ago

femibyte commented 4 years ago

Hi, I am trying to run my Spark trained mleap serialized model using spring-boot as documented here:

I'm obtaining the following error when I make the curl call to do the transform and score (Step 5)

This is a custom SQL transformer that I've written so that I can serialize the Spark trained ML pipeline. The initial stage uses a SQL Transformer that is unsupported by mleap. Hence the need for the custom SQL transformer.

Caused by: java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
    at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:347)
    at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:345)
    at ml.combust.mleap.core.types.NodeShape.input(NodeShape.scala:80)
    at ml.combust.mleap.runtime.frame.Transformer$$anonfun$1.apply(Transformer.scala:45)
    at ml.combust.mleap.runtime.frame.Transformer$$anonfun$1.apply(Transformer.scala:44)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:234)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:234)
    at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:392)
    at scala.collection.TraversableLike$
    at ml.combust.mleap.runtime.frame.Transformer$class.inputSchema(Transformer.scala:44)
    at my.custom.basicsqltrfrmr.BasicSqlTMleapTransformer.inputSchema(BasicSqlTMleapTransformer.scala:20)
    at ml.combust.mleap.runtime.frame.BaseTransformer$class.$init$(Transformer.scala:103)
    at my.custom.basicsqltrfrmr.BasicSqlTMleapTransformer.<init>(BasicSqlTMleapTransformer.scala:22)

I follow the following steps to build and start the docker container

 docker image build -t my_custom_sql_transformer:0.1 .

 docker run -p 8080:8080 -v /tmp/models:/models my_customsql_transformer:0.1 &

I then send the following curl requests.

i. Construct the payload and upload the model :


  curl --header "Content-Type: application/json"   --request POST   \
  --data "$body" http://localhost:8080/models

ii. Read in the input data in json format and call transform without having to encode the leap frame:

  curl --header "Content-Type: application/json"  --request POST   \
  --data "$ENCODED_LEAP_FRAME" http://localhost:8080/models/mymodel/transform

After running step ii. I receive the error above. Can someone suggest a way of debugging this ?

I am able to successfully run the custom transformer outside of spring-boot. Any suggestions are welcome.

femibyte commented 4 years ago


femibyte commented 4 years ago

It seems like I'm not able to succssfully load the serialized model.

I ran the following in a test:

describe("URIBundleFileOps") {
    it("can save/load a bundle using a URI") {
    val testFile = Paths.get(testDir.toString, "")
    val uri = new URI(s"jar:file:$testFile")
    println("URI="+ uri)

val loadedBasicSqlTMleapTransformer = (
        for(bf <- managed(BundleFile(uri))) yield {

and I get this error:

[info] - can save/load a bundle using a URI *** FAILED ***
[info] - BasicSqlTMleapTransformer(***)),BasicSqlTMleapModel(closest_period)) did not equal Failure(java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: bundle.json)

I checked the model file and it does contain bundle.json

Any suggestions as to how I can debug this ?

ancasarb commented 4 years ago

@femibyte could you please try

val bundle = (for(bundle <- managed(BundleFile(bundlePath5))) yield {

to see if that gives you more info?

femibyte commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the help with the bundle deserialization. I was using the wrong filename in my code. I am now getting this error from my test:

[info] BasicSqlTMleapTransformerSpec:
[info] URIBundleFileOps
[info] - can save/load a bundle using a URI *** FAILED ***
[info]   java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException:
[info]   at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
[info]   at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
[info]   at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
[info]   at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
[info]   at ml.combust.mleap.bundle.ops.MleapOp.load(MleapOp.scala:24)
[info]   at ml.combust.mleap.bundle.ops.MleapOp.load(MleapOp.scala:16)
[info]   at ml.combust.bundle.serializer.NodeSerializer$$anonfun$read$2$$anonfun$apply$3$$anonfun$apply$4.apply(NodeSerializer.scala:106)
[info]   at scala.util.Try$.apply(Try.scala:192)
[info]   at ml.combust.bundle.serializer.NodeSerializer$$anonfun$read$2$$anonfun$apply$3.apply(NodeSerializer.scala:104)
[info]   at ml.combust.bundle.serializer.NodeSerializer$$anonfun$read$2$$anonfun$apply$3.apply(NodeSerializer.scala:102)
[info]   ...
[info]   Cause: java.util.NoSuchElementException: None.get
[info]   at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:347)
[info]   at scala.None$.get(Option.scala:345)
[info]   at ml.combust.mleap.core.types.NodeShape.input(NodeShape.scala:80)
[info]   at ml.combust.mleap.runtime.frame.Transformer$$anonfun$1.apply(Transformer.scala:59)
[info]   at ml.combust.mleap.runtime.frame.Transformer$$anonfun$1.apply(Transformer.scala:58)
[info]   at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:234)
[info]   at scala.collection.TraversableLike$$anonfun$map$1.apply(TraversableLike.scala:234)
[info]   at scala.collection.immutable.List.foreach(List.scala:381)
[info]   at scala.collection.TraversableLike$
[info]   at
ancasarb commented 4 years ago

@femibyte Did the custom transformer I sent through seem fine? Is it ok to close this issue?

ancasarb commented 4 years ago

@femibyte Closing this, please re-open if you have further questions. Thank you!