cometbft / rpc-companion

Experimental RPC companion
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POC with integration test focus for a relayer use-case #9

Closed andynog closed 10 months ago

andynog commented 1 year ago

This new POC will implement a solution that doesn't focus too much on the database schema and persistence. The goal is to have a POC that can be focused on integration tests, for example, it should be possible to switch a full node endpoint with a RPC Companion endpoint in a test environment with a relayer (e.g. Hermes) and ensure that the packages can be successfully relayed.

This way, all the endpoints that the relayer relies from the full node don't have to be all implemented at once. There might be ways to proxy the requests that are not implemented yet to the full node.

TODO: Will add the sub-tasks here and Definition of Done (DOD).

NOTE: Sub-tasks should be time-boxed and if they take too long, a re-assessment and re-evaluation should be performed to ensure that the POC experiment doesn't take more time than needed/estimated.


### Tasks
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andynog commented 10 months ago

implemented in the new-poc branch