cometcannon / tshirt-cannon-robot

Source code for UTD's T-shirt Cannon Robot
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read() not working properly for reading from the AVR chip into the atheros chip #3

Open ryanjmarcotte opened 9 years ago

ryanjmarcotte commented 9 years ago

atherosd.c runs on the atheros chip on the yun upon boot. This program creates a socket through which the user's computer can wirelessly connect and send commands using the java app within this repo. atherosd interprets commands incoming from the user's computer and sends corresponding commands to the avr chip via /dev/ttyATH0. The avr chip can then perform the requested commands.

The issue here is that with the current serial communication set up, we are having problems reading from atherosd, and so we cannot yet retrieve messages from the robot through the socket created by this program.