cometchat-go / xamarin-forms-chat-sdk-demo

CometChat Demo App for Xamarin Forms
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Cometchat.UI does not install on new projects using monodroid81 #7

Closed joseBarreto closed 5 years ago

joseBarreto commented 5 years ago

Good Morning, I can not put the latest version of Xamarin.Android.CometChat.UI into a new project created by Visual Studio 2017.

I have already looked for this error elsewhere and in all cases they told me that it may be something with the distribution of the package that I am installing (in the case of cometchat.ui) in relation to the new Nuget.

Can you help me with this? Any new project I create can only use up to version 7.22.0




sushantinscripts commented 5 years ago


We are working on updating CometChatUI mono android. Once the testing finishes successfully, we'll update the Nuget package very soon and will let you know.

sushantinscripts commented 5 years ago


We have made some changes related to monoandroid in our binding projects and have released a new nuget package 7.32.1. Kindly try this version and do let us know if this resolves the issue or not.

joseBarreto commented 5 years ago

Good afternoon, Unfortunately I still have the same problem


sushantinscripts commented 5 years ago


Instead of updating, please try once by uninstalling both the packages and re-installing them.

joseBarreto commented 5 years ago


Instead of updating, please try once by uninstalling both the packages and re-installing them.

Still same problem, even uninstalling and installing again. =/


joseBarreto commented 5 years ago


Instead of updating, please try once by uninstalling both the packages and re-installing them.

any idea what it might be?

joseBarreto commented 5 years ago

New version still does not install on newer Visual Studio 2017 projects.


joseBarreto commented 5 years ago

Any solution for this? I need to publish my application to the store, and this error prevents because I can not get the latest version of the SDK. My users are without the application only because of this.

joseBarreto commented 5 years ago

I've already tried to create a new project and put the SDK and it also does not work. I need an alternative!

lgurgel commented 5 years ago

Hi guys,

We have a huge problem here. We have a deadline to deliver and we about to miss it because of this problem. Missing it will imply in heavy penalties we do not want to incur in. Please find a solution for this problem ASAP. It's a critical problem that need to be solved urgently.

lgurgel commented 5 years ago

Any solution? Any horizon for it?

sushantinscripts commented 5 years ago


We use visual studio 2017 and build both nuget packages using android 8.1. You have confirmed that this has been resolved on So please use that setup to build your apk.

joseBarreto commented 5 years ago


We use visual studio 2017 and build both nuget packages using android 8.1. You have confirmed that this has been resolved on #10. So please use that setup to build your apk.

No, we did not confirm this in # 10. Error # 10 was for older projects, which can install the SDK on new versions. The bug quoted there, and in reference to CometChat.Android version 7.33 which was closing the application. This thread refers to projects created today that can not be used in the latest version of CometChat.

joseBarreto commented 5 years ago


We use visual studio 2017 and build both nuget packages using android 8.1. You have confirmed that this has been resolved on #10. So please use that setup to build your apk.

Look, the test is simple. Just create a new solution, and try to add any version higher than 7.22 in the project. Does not install. I installed my visual studio yesterday again, changed the machine, created a unique project of Xamarin.Android and still does not install.

joseBarreto commented 5 years ago

@sushantinscripts ?

joseBarreto commented 5 years ago

@sushantinscripts ?

mehtanishant commented 5 years ago

Hi @joseBarreto,

We are currently working on the issue regarding monoandroid 8.1 version for the new projects. We will keep you posted about the progress.

joseBarreto commented 5 years ago

For those who have this problem, I have a tip.

You can download the CometChat package manually by clicking on the "Download package" button at

Once downloaded, change the extension from .nupkg to .zip. Open the file, navigate to \ lib \ monoandroid, and extract the CometChatUIBinding.dll.

Remove the nuuget package in the android solution. Then add the dll to the project.

This will free the app update on Google Play.

New projects created in visual studio 2019 apparently do not give this problem, but in old projects it still exists.

joseBarreto commented 5 years ago

Fix with VS2019 + CometChat 7.37