comicmeta / ComicBookOntology

An OWL ontology and RDF metadata vocabulary for describing comic books and comic book collections.
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series/seriesOf should be partOf/hasPart #18

Open nichtich opened 7 years ago

nichtich commented 7 years ago

the current mapping is reverse

seanpetiya commented 7 years ago

Could you clarify? I think the current mapping (although imperfect) might be correct.

cbo:Comic cbo:series (hasPart) cbo:Series cbo:Series cbo:seriesOf (partOf) cbo:Publication

nichtich commented 7 years ago

I think this origins from the different mindset of series-oriented comics in the US and book oriented comics in Europe: does a comic consist of multiple series' or does a series contain multiple comics? Is one-shot a special case of a series or does a series consist of multiple parts? I think both should be possible.

The current hasPart properties for comparision:

Here an example of a series that contains multiple comics.

The underlying question is what a "Comic" actually refers to in CBO. In my point of view it is a rather broad concept: some series are comics, some volumes are comics and some stories are comics but some comics consist of multiple series/volumes/issues.

seanpetiya commented 7 years ago

Yes, the "Comic" class in CBO is intended to be as broad as possible to incorporate all conceptualizations of a "Comic" work, i.e. story, panel, including the entire body of work that represents a comic, including one or more comic series/volumes. Each of which may have one or more issues. So, technically, both of your examples should be possible.

For example, the parts of the comic "X-Men" in the broadest sense would include all related works and all manifestations of those works (series): the "Uncanny X-Men" comic-book series, but also the "Uncanny X-men" omnibus series, etc. With the option to divide series up by volume, for example the Uncanny X-Men omnibus contains three "volumes".

The intention of the model is to accommodate all perspectives; comics as series, comics as books, etc. The actual domains of the hasPart/isPartOf properties in CBO, however, can definitely use some tweaking... maybe starting with the issue property? The domain should probably be Volume or Series...