comictagger / metron_talker comictagger talker plugin
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Problem Tagging Comics, if the Comic include a (:) in title #28

Open Zombanana opened 2 months ago

Zombanana commented 2 months ago


I have just started using comictagger and using it with So far I am happy with it. I use the cli variant, to tag my comics.

I just found out, I have problems tagging comics, which include a ":" inside series name. Example: Conan: Serpent War

I think this is because the filename don't include any ":". The ":" is replaced with a minus "-" in my files.

Example: Conan: Serpent War (Series Name) -> Conan - Serpent War (File Name).

I am using this command for tagging my files: comictagger.exe --recursive --save --parse-filename --online --met-username xxx --metron-key xxx --type cix --overwrite --save-on-low-confidence --no-abort --interactive --verbose c:\temp

Is there an alternative command line parameter, which I can use, to find a match on this?

lordwelch commented 2 months ago

can you attach the logs from %LOCALAPPDATA%\ComicTagger\logs

mizaki commented 2 months ago

This may be address in but is not in a release yet.

Zombanana commented 2 months ago

I am not home at the moment. I will provide a log file of another example when I am back home.