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Issue title is wrong #5

Closed lordwelch closed 10 months ago

lordwelch commented 10 months ago

This is misleading and surprising that when tagging it shows up with a different issue title, and the default with ComicVine is to leave it empty when there is no issue title.

        #  issue_name is only for IssueList, it's just the series name is issue number
        if hasattr(issue, "issue_name"):
            md.title = utils.xlate(issue.issue_name)
mizaki commented 10 months ago

I agree, however there are some options and issues:

The issue title will be reflected once the issue window displays the updated data from on click Leaving it blank in the issue window is much the same as currently, the title will be blank but once tagged, it will not be. That brings up:

Should the issue title be the combined names of the stories within? If there is only one, it makes sense, but if there are more, should it be all of them, or none? My current thinking is to have it an option. So, if there is only one item in name use that as the title, if there are more, refer to the option. (In case you have seen title on the issue, that refers to the collection title and afaik, there is either a title or name, never both.)

Related: Would these names be considered story_arcs and should they be parsed out as such?

mizaki commented 10 months ago

lordwelch commented 10 months ago

Leaving it blank in the issue window is much the same as currently, the title will be blank but once tagged, it will not be. That brings up:

There not being something there and then it filling in is actually fairly standard, it can't usefully show all of the metadata in that window. But here it is not providing any new information it's literally {series_name} {issue_number} which a user would already know if they looked at the top of the window for the series, because all of the issues belong to one series, and the issue number is already directly to the left of it. And then for something like it would go to having that information to not having that information.

Going from I Don't Know -> Here's The Real Data is ok Going from Here's The Real Data -> Sorry I Lied, Here's The actual Real Data is not ok Going from Here's The Real Data -> Sorry I Lied, There's No Data is also not ok

mizaki commented 10 months ago

Okay, so the issue title will be blank until the full issue title/name is retrieved.

lordwelch commented 10 months ago

Yeah, and hopefully we can make it better in the future