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[$300 Bounty] Toyota: cancel cruise without chime #1173

Open adeebshihadeh opened 2 years ago

adeebshihadeh commented 2 years ago

The way openpilot cancels cruise control on most Toyotas has the side effect of a chime from the car and a momentary fault on the dash. When openpilot sends the cancellation message, it also sends a message to play a good chime to mask the fault chime that would play, so start by removing that. Once you remove the good chime, you should hear the fault chime, which we're trying to get rid of.

The Lexus IS uses a different cancellation message than the rest of the Toyotas, so that's probably a good place to start.

$200 for a merged PR that meets this criteria:

  1. no chime sound or even momentary fault display
  2. reliable, i.e. always immediately cancels cruise
  3. generic across all Toyotas

Feel free to open a PR once steps 1 and 2 are done to lock the bounty pending confirmation of 3.

cydia2020 commented 2 years ago

I will be documenting some findings here, cruise button states (at least on the Prius, are available over CAN, however, they are not available on the ADAS CAN, they are only on the yaw sensor / air bag / hybrid control CAN as far as I can tell.)

Screenshot_20211216-193808_Adobe Acrobat~2

 SG_ RES_BTN : 5|1@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" XXX
 SG_ SET_BTN : 4|1@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" XXX
 SG_ CANCEL_BTN : 3|1@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" XXX
 SG_ MAIN_ON : 2|1@0+ (1,0) [0|0] "" XXX

This message is filtered by the gateway if it's sent to the ADAS CAN.

Edit: 20211216: So far I've tried a few methods to tackle this, non of them worked.

The thing with this particular problem is that, Toyota usually won't disengage ACC unless the cancel button/brake is pressed, or there's a malfunction. All the messages that trigger a malfunction would disengage cruise. (This is also what openpilot is using right now)

Cruise will also disengage if not all the conditions to enter cruise are met, for example, if the driver engages parking brake while cruise is on, if the lead car is lost at low speeds (tho that will create a few beeps), or if the driver presses on the brake while the vehicle is moving and ACC is not sending decel commands.

Things I've tried so you don't have to try it again:

  1. CANREQ message in PCM_CRUISE;
  3. spamming MAIN_ON in PCM_CRUISE_2;
  4. spamming CANCEL_BTN in 0x361 from ADAS CAN;
  5. 26, 27, and 28th bit of ACC_CONTROL;
  6. spamming PARKING_BRAKE signal in SEATS_DOORS
  7. most signals in 643
  8. most signals in 870
  9. most signals in 836
sshane commented 2 years ago

Same findings here for TSS2 Camry, I tried sending different variations of PCM_CRUISE, PCM_CRUISE_2, PCM_CRUISE_SM, DSU_CRUISE with some setting the cancel button and others setting MAIN_ON to 0. Didn't see any effects.

Also explored bit 29 on ACC_CONTROL and bit 3 on PCM_CRUISE_2 which always seems to be flipped compared to CRUISE_ACTIVE, but cruise remains active.

Similar to cydia2020, I also tried to spam GEAR_PACKET with the neutral gear, as well as BRAKE_MODULE for brake pressed.

nelsonjchen commented 2 years ago

Some thoughts, scattered like everyone else's. Unfortunately all I have is speculation.

Also, here's what is in my car's manual about what can cause cancelation just for easy reading in this issue itself.

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cydia2020 commented 2 years ago

How come we can spam resume?

We can't, not on Toyotas, that's why we've the pedal for TSS-P cars. On TSS2, the car responds to acceleration commands while stopped, so no resume spamming required.

I wonder if the 3 minute timeout sends a cancel message that can be used.

PCM shifts the car to park in that case.

We might be able to cancel it by spamming a specific bit on the pre-crash message, hopefully it won't make noises, Toyota loves noises for some reason, I'll look into that.

nelsonjchen commented 2 years ago

The resume spamming is something I've noticed in TSS2? Or whatever mechanism keeps the car from disengagement while stopped without having to press the pedal to resume. Sorry I should have clarified that.

adeebshihadeh commented 2 years ago

Bumping this up to $300 after seeing how much work has gone into this so far.

sshane commented 2 years ago

The resume spamming is something I've noticed in TSS2? Or whatever mechanism keeps the car from disengagement while stopped without having to press the pedal to resume. Sorry I should have clarified that.

As far as I know, openpilot doesn't resume spam on any Toyota. What lets the car re-accelerate is that openpilot doesn't send the standstill bit when stopped, it only requests a lot of brake to stay stopped. Stock ACC requests standstill which requires you to press the resume button to start again

alancyau commented 2 years ago

From wocsor:

hey guys, was working on that lil bounty today - the ACC cancel without beeps. well i got bored with it (i didn't want to ask someone to make 2 PRs bc opendbc needs to be modded) so instead i'll just throw some hints here. would comment these on the GH issue if comma hadn't banned me. basically, you just need to look at the PCS messages: 0x283 and 0x344. yeah i know it's taboo to talk about that here, but if you look in the 2017 toyota ref dbc, you'll see a bunch of 1 bit messages that can be manipulated. a few of them do things like ABS brake hold, ABS valve / motor control, PCS auto-brake, but there's also an ACC cancel in there that just cuts ACC without displaying an error / chime. anyway, happy hacking

Smartype commented 2 years ago

I can do that. I accidentally found a way to do this when I testing low speed AEB braking on my Camry LE.

Smartype commented 2 years ago

I will confirm this tomorrow and submit a PR.

Smartype commented 2 years ago


nelsonjchen commented 2 years ago

071ba9916a1da2fa|2022-01-04--20-12-54--5 with @Smartype's changes on a 2020 Corolla SE Hatchback. While does deactivate without a chime, mashing the brake pedal down (e.g. enough to activate brake hold) at a standstill causes a cruise control malfunction. Needs to restart car to re-enable cruise control.

cydia2020 commented 2 years ago

Does stock AEB create a cancel event? I'm wondering how that is handled, since we're sending cancellation with the PCS command I feel like it shouldn't be sent when stock AEB is active.

Smartype commented 2 years ago

Does stock AEB create a cancel event? I'm wondering how that is handled, since we're sending cancellation with the PCS command I feel like it shouldn't be sent when stock AEB is active.

I don't know if stock aeb sent cancel cmd. I accidentally found this when I try to send brake cmd to nodsu Camry under speed 20kph.

I have never been able to get access to a real aeb brake logs, which might help me find a way to brake Camry under 20kph.

cydia2020 commented 2 years ago

Does stock AEB create a cancel event? I'm wondering how that is handled, since we're sending cancellation with the PCS command I feel like it shouldn't be sent when stock AEB is active.

I don't know if stock aeb sent cancel cmd. I accidentally found this when I try to send brake cmd to nodsu Camry under speed 20kph.

I have never been able to get access to a real aeb brake logs, which might help me find a way to brake Camry under 20kph.

Sorry I should've made myself clear, in openpilot there's an event called stockAeb, does that cancel cruise?

Smartype commented 2 years ago

In op, stockAeb cause an alert on UI. nothing more. I have build a camry radar intercepter, which mute op output and pass the stock acc cmd for a few seconds when stock aeb is active.

Smartype commented 2 years ago

Does stock AEB create a cancel event? I'm wondering how that is handled, since we're sending cancellation with the PCS command I feel like it shouldn't be sent when stock AEB is active.

I don't know if stock aeb sent cancel cmd. I accidentally found this when I try to send brake cmd to nodsu Camry under speed 20kph. I have never been able to get access to a real aeb brake logs, which might help me find a way to brake Camry under 20kph.

Sorry I should've made myself clear, in openpilot there's an event called stockAeb, does that cancel cruise?

You are right, for safety reason, we should not spam this msg when AEB is not in expected state. (Which is handled in my intercepter fw)

sshane commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, I tried exploring the 0x283 and 0x344 messages suggested by a comment from wocsor above and nothing made the car disengage. I set all the one-bit signals to 1 with nothing happening except my stereo muting (must be a PCS feature where it mutes your music if you have an AEB event).

Though I'm not sure if setting everything to 1 makes one of the signals not work.