commaai / openpilot

openpilot is an operating system for robotics. Currently, it upgrades the driver assistance system in 275+ supported cars.
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[$2,000 Bounty] High quality simulator entry point #27284

Closed adeebshihadeh closed 11 months ago

adeebshihadeh commented 1 year ago

Clone openpilot, run the setup scripts, then run a single command to get dropped into the openpilot UI with it driving in the simulator. This will be the new default way to run openpilot on PC. Ideally, this experience runs on something like a recent MacBook Air (though fixing up macOS support in openpilot is a separate project).

Some possible simulator options:

It's best to do this in small chunks. A good first PR proposes a simulator with a small POC. The bounty will be considered locked after that first PR is merged.

MoreTore commented 1 year ago

I took a swing at MetaDrive. I can only get about 10 FPS on wls2 when copying the panda3d screenshot to vpc. Maybe I will try running it natively.

Added this function to metadrive lib and converted the returned screenshot to YUV format and reused the carla bridge code.

def get_screenshot(self):
    if self.engine.episode_step <= 1:
    origin_img =
    return origin_img

Metadrive is missing imu sensor inputs so that would need to be added eventually. Metadrive also has a few compatibility issues with mac.

MoreTore commented 1 year ago

Here is a little video. I could probably get the performance to be stable if I work on it a bit more. I had to make a few changes to OP to get it running without seg faulting. I whipped this code together quickly so it's pretty rotten.

adeebshihadeh commented 1 year ago

Cool! No accelerometer/gyro should be fine, with changes to the localizer.

pfeiferj commented 1 year ago

i found out there's a fork of torcs that can be controlled with CAN messages which could be interesting (albeit probably doesn't make sense in the context of this bounty since it wouldn't already be in package repos):

MoreTore commented 1 year ago

So I ended up getting some pretty stable performance with metadrive (400x300x3x1@20fps). One command to launch! However, I am having other issues with getting the model to run reliably. I am getting an assert error in It works about 10% of the time.

def read(sz, tf8=False):
  dd = [] # data
  gt = 0 # got
  szof = 1 if tf8 else 4 # size of
  print("reading %d bytes" % (sz * szof), file=sys.stderr)
  while gt < sz * szof: # read until we have enough
     st =, sz * szof - gt) 
    assert(len(st) > 0) # make sure we got something. We fail here 90% of the time reading stdout?? dup2(pipeout[1], 1); ??
    dd.append(st) # append
    gt += len(st) # update
  r = np.frombuffer(b''.join(dd), dtype=np.uint8 if tf8 else np.float32)
  if tf8:
    r = r / 255.
  return r

I also tried to compile op with --pc-thneed --snpe and the model drops many frames. It takes about 800ms to process. Not sure what im doing wrong.

Running on windows 11 WSL2 ubuntu_2004


I fixed the issue with onnx. need to import torch.

MoreTore commented 1 year ago

I basically have it working. I am going to polish it up for the first PR.

jon-chuang commented 1 year ago

I have it working at 1928 X 1208 on a Ryzen 6850H (Laptop) iGPU:

  1. Faster (30 FPS), just the openpilot screen:
  2. Slower (14 FPS), with the render screen:

Can definitely go much faster if you have a decent GPU.

jon-chuang commented 1 year ago

@MoreTore could you post your updated results in YouTube again? I think we would optimize for better performance on lower spec device (e.g. iGPU).

I ensured that we are getting a similar field of view to the comma device cameras and that we are running at the intended resolution 1928 X 1208.

I should have unit tests and PR by EOD, e2e tests per by tmr.

MoreTore commented 1 year ago

Can't really get high resolution on low spec device with the current game engine. We need to copy the Vram to the IPC, do a conversion, then put it back to do invfrence and display. This takes a long time and there is no way around it with the current game engine API. I am using a rtx3070ti with 12700H. I get around 30fps sending wide and road cam at high resolution. You already got the Pr then I won't keep going.

MoreTore commented 1 year ago

@jon-chuang I just tested your branch and on my PC I only get 5 fps? What am I missing?

jon-chuang commented 1 year ago

What am I missing?

Some settings changes. I will push the update soon. It's running smoothly at 33 and 50 frames per second (3 and 2 ticks_per_frame).

It is running slower than expected on my laptop with iGPU (around 10FPS). But if you have a proper GPU you should be able to set ticks_per_frame=2,3 no problem, let me know how it goes.

MoreTore commented 1 year ago

let me know how it goes.

Seems to work at 3 tpf. The bridge terminal control is really bad. Probably shouldn't use it for metadrive

jon-chuang commented 1 year ago

The bridge terminal control is really bad.

Could you elaborate?

MoreTore commented 1 year ago

Make it like this

jon-chuang commented 1 year ago

Yeah, if you're talking about the manual controls, I fully agree. You can't hold W while steering with A/D.

MoreTore commented 1 year ago

Use metadrive for the inputs. It's already configured. Made it very simple to do this. As a side effect of how I did it, you can run openpilot on the Comma device(or any openpilot env) and metadrive on a separate PC.

MoreTore commented 1 year ago

Anyways I made this branch to modify metadrive in openpilot easier. Give it a try.

I am curious how it will perform on other PCs

Simple to use.

install openpilot like normal

pip install torch

from the openpilot directory:


press h on the game window for controls

EDIT: I also fixed the controls lagging issue and commissue

MoreTore commented 1 year ago

There is another simulator i was looking into. It should be available on linux in a few months. Its high fidelity but it has shared gpu memory feature built in. I am talking about beamnd drive. Here is a sample script to get camera streams.

There is also this sim It is no longer maintained but the community forks are still very active. I believe there are commercial restrictions but OP is opensource so i think its ok to use.

IMO these are what a high quality sim looks like.

MoreTore commented 1 year ago

@adeebshihadeh Care to try this? I cleaned it up a bit.