Sometimes (with some predefined probability) render should show the following question with an answer above the page: What's wrong with ? It's not written in . (c) . We consider just tools not written in rust, for now and ThePrimeagen youtuber.
How it should work: each page contains some note about what language it's written in. If this language is not Rust, then with 50% chance, What's wrong with ? It's not written in Rust. (c) ThePrimeagen is displayed.
It's a v2* syntax extension specific to this renderer.
Sometimes (with some predefined probability) render should show the following question with an answer above the page: What's wrong with? It's not written in . (c) . We consider just tools not written in rust, for now and ThePrimeagen youtuber.
How it should work: each page contains some note about what language it's written in. If this language is not Rust, then with 50% chance, What's wrong with? It's not written in Rust. (c) ThePrimeagen is displayed.
It's a v2* syntax extension specific to this renderer.