commanded / commanded-extreme-adapter

Extreme event store adapter for Commanded
MIT License
12 stars 18 forks source link

Raise loglevel of wrong expected version #10

Closed timbuchwaldt closed 6 years ago

timbuchwaldt commented 6 years ago

As this might well stall a system the log level should be higher.

We have seen this issue kill our Commanded system completely as no new events were appended until we completely removed the stream from EventStore and restarted our application

slashdotdash commented 6 years ago

@timbuchwaldt The latest Commanded version (master branch and recently published to Hex as v0.16.0-rc.0) includes a change (#132) to handle {:error, :wrong_expected_version} response when persisting events.

It now attempts to rebuild the aggregate state from the missing events and try to execute the command again. This will be retried up to ten times before an error is returned to command dispatch. Hopefully that should prevent the scenario from causing you an issue.

I've merged you pull request. It will be included in the next release published to Hex (v0.5.0).

timbuchwaldt commented 6 years ago

Hey @slashdotdash - I saw, just working on integrating a git build to try that out, issue coming up regarding the current master state in a sec :P
