I want to ignore a holiday by using unsetRule. The holiday does not appear in the list returned by getHolidays however when checking for that date using isHoliday I get the following Typerror
const hd = new Holidays();
hd.init('GR', { types: ['public'] });
hd.isHoliday('2023-04-14'); //returns true
hd.unsetRule('orthodox -2'); //returns true
hd.isHoliday('2023-04-14'); // => throws error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'inYear' of undefined
at Holidays.isHoliday (node_modules/date-holidays-parser/lib/Holidays.cjs:220:33)
at Holidays._dateByRule (node_modules/date-holidays-parser/lib/Holidays.cjs:396:28)
Hello, I want to ignore a holiday by using
. The holiday does not appear in the list returned by getHolidays however when checking for that date using isHoliday I get the following Typerror