commenthol / date-holidays

worldwide holidays
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Suggestion: Add unique ID to each holiday. #444

Closed KyleMo closed 7 months ago

KyleMo commented 7 months ago

This package is great, thanks. However, it would be very helpful if you could add unique identifiers to each holiday, including for each local. The implementation of this wouldn't be super complicated and wouldn't take any special maintenance. Go through each holiday and update it with a unique string or integer or anything. These never have to be updated again - thats the whole point of an ID for it be consist and unique forever. Theres no reason I can think of that would require you to update the holiday ID ever again once it is created. Even if names change or holidays changes or even date changes, the ID should always stay the same.

Adding an ID field would add no extra maintenance effort. All the effort would be upfront creating the script. Considering others have requested the same, I really believe its worth doing.

commenthol commented 7 months ago

Reading old issues might provide reasonable answers

KyleMo commented 7 months ago