commerceguys / tax

A PHP 5.5+ tax library.
MIT License
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No TaxTypeResolver for Switzerland? #47

Closed el-seirh closed 7 years ago

el-seirh commented 7 years ago

Hi there. In your readme you mention: "Predefined tax rates for EU countries and Switzerland." Browsing through the project however I see a EuTaxTypeResolver, a DefaultTaxTypeResolver and a CanadaTaxTypeResolver. But none for Switzerland. However I can see that there is a commerceguys/tax/resources/tax_type/ch_vat.json file.

So why no ChTaxTypeResolver? Should I create one by pull request?

Anyway, thanks guys for this amazing library!

bojanz commented 7 years ago

Switzerland is handled by the DefaultTaxTypeResolver, I don't know of any special Swiss logic that would require it to have its own resolver?

el-seirh commented 7 years ago

Well that is ... probably a pretty good point. Sorry I didn't see that. I somehow just assumed that each type of tax legislation has its own resolver. But I guess the swiss logic isn't that complex indeed. Thanks for the intel and never mind. ;)