commerceguys / tax

A PHP 5.5+ tax library.
MIT License
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Critical fix: replaces > operator on enddate comparison with >=. #58

Closed el-seirh closed 6 years ago

el-seirh commented 6 years ago

There was an issue in the TaxRate models getAmount-function. When matching the date against the end dates the > operator was used instead of >=. This led to a behaviour where any date that exactly matched any periods end date would not return a tax rate. This fix makes sure enddates themselves are included in a tax period.

el-seirh commented 6 years ago

@bojanz Hi there. This time everything sould be correct I think. Do you think you could merge in the close future? Then I could use your master again. Thanks!

el-seirh commented 6 years ago

@bojanz Bump. Is there any reason not to merge? I'd be glad to help. This fix is pretty critical.

el-seirh commented 6 years ago


el-seirh commented 6 years ago

@bojanz Still waiting for that merge ;).

bojanz commented 6 years ago

I'm back! And terribly sorry.

el-seirh commented 6 years ago

@bojanz No worries. Glad I could be of help. Thanks for merging!